Terror Threat Level - Yellow/Elevated
Yellow/Elevated - Significant Risk of Terrorist Attacks.
I don't know what put this in my mind this morning, but I went and checked the DHS Advisory and Bulletin page, and you know what, there has been only one advisory/bulletin issued since the flurry around the 2004 Democratic National Convention. One in almost two years.
And, that one is a warning from over a year ago to government employees not to utilize P2P file trading software as it might compromise security.
Remember the 2004 terror warning flurry about imminent attacks against major financial institutions that was based on very questionable and very dated information?
I don't know what put this in my mind this morning, but I went and checked the DHS Advisory and Bulletin page, and you know what, there has been only one advisory/bulletin issued since the flurry around the 2004 Democratic National Convention. One in almost two years.
And, that one is a warning from over a year ago to government employees not to utilize P2P file trading software as it might compromise security.
Remember the 2004 terror warning flurry about imminent attacks against major financial institutions that was based on very questionable and very dated information?
Michael Moneybags Bloomberg elevated the threat level in NYC last year about two weeks before Election Day. The Bush administration criticized Bloomberg's terror alert but Mayor Mike decided he had enough reason to publicize the alert and remind everybody that he was a Republican (unlike that cowardly Freddie Ferrer.)
It was ironic to see the Bush administration criticize Bloomberg for using the exact same campaign trick they had used 14 times during the 2004 Election campaign (i.e., poll numbers down - go to red alert!)
And of course when the next terrorist attack really does come, neither the administration nor Bloomberg will have any fucking clue its coming. It will probably be just like London on 7/7 - somebody will blow up the trains or a shopping mall or Grand Central Station with no advance warning. And in the aftermath, all we'll get is fingerpointing.
One more thing about Bloomberg: he cut starting salaries for NYPD cops and FDNY personnel to $25,100 from $37,000. The NYPD and FDNY are having such a hard time recruiting cops/firemen that they are thinking about redoing the cop's/fireman's contract again. Yet Mayor Moneybags never misses an opportunity to tell New Yorkers how safe he has made the city and how great a manager he is. And of course the mayor never misses an opportunity to pad the pockets of his corporate cronies (e.g., $1 billion dollar stadium for Jets, sweetheart real estate deals tax free for multinationals, etc.)
Sorry for taking the comment off topic but I feel strongly about this.
Reality-Based Educator, at 9:33 AM
No, that's dead on topic, I think. There was alot of discussion of the politics of that very dubious terror alert.
Did you see he's talking about running as an independent? Really speaks about both the fall of the republican party and his opportunism.
mikevotes, at 10:11 AM
Great point. Meanwhile, I'm thinking we're at Orange now. That's higher than Yellow, right? Yeah, we're there. <-- My alert system.
Bravo 2-1, at 1:41 PM
Think the terror alert will rise shortly before the next round of elections?
Its like the boy that cried wolf..when he meant it, it fell on deaf ears..
Unknown, at 7:16 PM
Actually, I agree with reality based, the next terror attack will come without concrete warning.
And I question whether Bush gets a bump from this anymore from a run of the mill terror alert. We have heard wolf too much, so if there is an intention to do it for political impact, it's going to have to be a pretty scary threat.
A minor threat will just remind people that the GWOT hasn't captured Bin Laden yet.It's going to have to be scary enough to remove all thought.
mikevotes, at 8:11 PM
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