Rise in White Supremacist Rhetoric Coming from the Immigration Debate
Time magazine has an article discussing the rise of white racial hate groups coming from the immigration debate, Neo-Nazis, white supramecists, etc. It was almost inevitable that this would happen, that the extremist messages on race would begin to find some traction among the less extreme.
But for some reason lately, I find myself thinking back to the "militia" movement of the early nineties, gun toting, Republican voting white males collectively adopting a fantasy life in which only they and their guns could act to prevent the takeover of a UN one-world government. Remember all that?
The "militia" movement ended on April 19, 1995, the day Timothy McVeigh bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
Let's hope that somehow this current wave dissipates before we have another tragedy and more death. I'm not too optimistic, though.
I'm afraid the fervor on the anti-immigrant right is reaching a stage where only a dramatic shock will stop the momentum. The conflation of the immigration issue with the racial makeup of the immigrants may well lead to something very ugly.
And, remember, the Republicans chose this as an election year issue. If I knew this was coming, certainly they knew.
But for some reason lately, I find myself thinking back to the "militia" movement of the early nineties, gun toting, Republican voting white males collectively adopting a fantasy life in which only they and their guns could act to prevent the takeover of a UN one-world government. Remember all that?
The "militia" movement ended on April 19, 1995, the day Timothy McVeigh bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
Let's hope that somehow this current wave dissipates before we have another tragedy and more death. I'm not too optimistic, though.
I'm afraid the fervor on the anti-immigrant right is reaching a stage where only a dramatic shock will stop the momentum. The conflation of the immigration issue with the racial makeup of the immigrants may well lead to something very ugly.
And, remember, the Republicans chose this as an election year issue. If I knew this was coming, certainly they knew.
Scratch the veneer and the hate is always revealed. The sad part is that it also wins votes.
Cartledge, at 11:49 AM
And, remember, the Republicans chose this as an election year issue. If I knew this was coming, certainly they knew.
Moreover, and I think that this is supremely ironic, the wing-nutty right has so much more to fear from this administration than they ever had to fear from Bush Sr. and the "New World Order" or Clinton. And yet the debate is focussed on immigrants.
Anonymous, at 2:23 PM
That's so true, that's why they're focusing the fear and hate on immigrants. It's the classic tactic. When facing internal problems find an external enemy. And if one isn't available, create one.
mikevotes, at 5:05 PM
Are legal and illegal immigrants to be accorded the same rights and priviliges? And is anyone who explores the questions and differences a racist? My neighbor who owns a lawn and landscape business is late on his mortgage because he can't do the work as cheap as the guy who hires illegals. Is he a racsist for being upset about it. Just because a lunatic fringe has latched on to this issue does not make others who support border security and legal immigration rascists and Xenophobes. Sorry to spoil the immigrant love fest.
Yukkione, at 9:49 PM
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