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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Picture of the Day - 2

Sorry. This should have been the picture of the day yesterday.

From the website of the company that sells this thing: The figure captures the good ol’ boy essence of the original George, from his rugged Texas back country good looks and characteristic placid political face. Its resemblance to the 43rd President is amazing, duplicating his crystal blue eyes, engaging smile and chiseled features.

This is the same company that produced the vile Ann Coulter talking doll.

(By the way, a quick google of their website does not include the phrase "made in America.")


  • Washingtom meets Hollywood meets Mattel? Welcome to fantasy land.

    By Blogger Cartledge, at 12:25 PM  

  • I think the photo is actually for "Elite Force Aviator: George W. Bush" which isn't the same poseable in-action figure offered by TalkingPresidents.com.

    The doll shown is proudly made in China. This rush to jingoistic nationalism, er patriotism, must really be doing wonders for the Chinese economy.

    Stock up now before the wheels really come off the SS Bushtanic... You don't want to be the only one without an effigy when everyone is burning theirs... :)

    By Blogger -epm, at 2:22 PM  

  • "...vile Ann Coulter..."

    Isn't this redundant. Like saying "big huge"? Once you say Ann Coulter, isn't vile implied? Just as when you say Republican, corrupt is implied.

    By Blogger -epm, at 2:44 PM  

  • You may be right EPM. I wenty to the talking president's site and all they had was a picture of the box. I pulled this on through google just assuming it was the same thing.

    I mean how much demand is there for George Bush dolls.(besides voodoo dolls I mean.) I just assumed that it was a gimmicky one off, I had no idea there was a whole industry.

    And, on Ann Coulter, if you go through to the site and listen to the audio of what they have her saying, you'll see why I used the redundant "vile."


    By Blogger mikevotes, at 3:12 PM  

  • Not 100% accurate. No codpiece, and the eyes actually show signs of life. On the figure.

    By Blogger QuakerDave, at 9:59 PM  

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