NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls
Now, it needs to be said that this is call detail information, not direct recordings of calls, but I think the scale of this monitoring purely domestic calls makes this a huge story. (I guess that whole effort to remove the word "domestic" from the program's description was just political crap, eh?)
UPDATE: Maybe this has something to do with spawning the leak.
Think Hayden will actually get to confirmation hearings? Also, notice that this leak and story came after Sen Pat Roberts announced the confirmation hearings. How could Bush withdraw the nomination now? There's no deniability that Hayden did this on his own. Interesting political timing of this.
The National Security Agency has been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans, using data provided by AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, people with direct knowledge of the arrangement told USA TODAY. ...When is Michael Hayden's confirmation hearing again? (And no, I don't think it's a coincidence this leaked now. Somebody who knows Michael Hayden's work doesn't want him to become Director of the CIA bad enough to leak this. Interesting, eh?)
"It's the largest database ever assembled in the world," said one person, who, like the others who agreed to talk about the NSA's activities, declined to be identified by name or affiliation. The agency's goal is "to create a database of every call ever made" within the nation's borders, this person added.....
UPDATE: Maybe this has something to do with spawning the leak.
WASHINGTON - The government has abruptly ended an inquiry into the warrantless eavesdropping program because the National Security Agency refused to grant Justice Department lawyers the necessary security clearance to probe the matter.
Think Hayden will actually get to confirmation hearings? Also, notice that this leak and story came after Sen Pat Roberts announced the confirmation hearings. How could Bush withdraw the nomination now? There's no deniability that Hayden did this on his own. Interesting political timing of this.
Even money says Hayden gets confirmed anyway.
Unless something comes out about eavesdropping for reasons other than security, the Democrats are not going to block this. They'll yell, scream and generally use the hearings to make a lot of dust, but in the end, he'll be confirmed.
Because the Republicans want a fight. It's part of their campaign plan. A key part. WOT is really the only plank the GOP can stand on, and Hayden is going to be their poster child.
Greyhair, at 11:57 AM
I somewhat agree that is a real part of the Republican strategy....pick a fight and then shift the focus on the "obstructionist" Dems.
Regardless of what the heart of the matter is, Republicans find ways through their slime-spreading, echo chambers, to distort good government, dissent and even civil debate as something to fear and criticize.
They are successful in promoting the idea that perception trumps reality, and so picking an ugly fight where they take the position of defending empty positions with hollow rhetoric is a winner for them. No substance, only distortions. We've seen this repeatedly over the past few years where you wave the flag and dismiss anyone that raises questions as being harmful to America.
I guess the question is wheather this strategy is wearing thin, as evidenced by the polls.
zen, at 1:52 PM
Mike, your point about the timing of the leak is spot on. This leak follows a pattern of disclosures over the last three years that indicates serious squabbling between the intelligence community and the WH. Without strong Congressional oversight, their only option is to take their concerns to the press. It would not be surprising to read more leaks on this subject as this debate heats up.
GreyHair is correct that the motivation of the WH is to pursue their GWOT strategy because of the perceived notion that the public is with them. I have seen poll results that differ, depending on how the questions are crafted, and I am not convinced that their confidence is well founded.
The republicans are quick to characterize ’06 as a collection of local races as opposed to a referendum on the administration. This single issue could jeopardize that strategy. There is a strong libertarian thread that runs common among Americans regardless of their political leanings.
Once ensconced, intrusive governmental power is difficult to monitor or control. The central question for the GOP and their supporters is will they support this policy with the same vigor when a Democrat occupies the WH. Will the voters remain unconcerned?
To both questions, I think the answer is a resounding NO!
Anonymous, at 2:02 PM
I can't tell yet Greyhair.
That's certainly the line the Republicans want out there, that they're spoiling for a fight on the NSA program, but that was all before this morning's article.
But, I think with the underlying sentiment, this deals a hammer blow to their WOT argument because it is quite clear that they were recording information on non Al Qaeda people.
I mean, did Bush look like he was spoiling for a fight at his 3 minute announcement today? Somebody in the team thought that was necessary.
And that bridges to what Zen was talking about. I haven't really decided yet on the politics of it. I think it will reconfirm negative opinions. The question, in the end, is really going to be a matter of public opinion. And, I just don't see how this could stop the negative Bush trendline.
At the same time, I don't see how Bush could withdraw a Hayden nomination without admitting guilt and firing Hayden. They're in a box canyon and have no choice but to fight. But, will Republicans in congress be willing to take up that fight?
Dead on, Mustard!!!
mikevotes, at 2:44 PM
Thanks folks, I took alot of this and synthesized it into a post above.
Great comments.
I love it when y'all challenge and reframe me. It makes me think and alter my analysis. That's what I love most about blogging. It forces me to develop arguments and defend points that I normally would just gloss over. And it makes me think of new things in new frameworks which I absolutely love.
mikevotes, at 3:13 PM
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