I think we're ignoring them Mike. The only oil they have is hash oil. Not worth it to them to be worrying about the oppressed populations of resource poor nations.
And, they're not useful militarily and we aren't trying to roll back the Russian eastern bloc. We're using other nations in the region to counterbalance China. Just shows how much it's rhetoric, eh?
I've never understood why when Bush apologists show up on TV and claim we had to invade Iraq because Saddam was such a muderous thug who slaughtered his own people that nobody slams that talking point down their throats by listing all the other countries with murderous dictator thugs and human rights violations that we either coddle, ally ourselves with or ignore.
Wouldn't be fun to list them all?
I think you already started, Mike, by naming Nepal and Darfur. After this week's Hu visit, I suppose we should add China. For all the rhetoric out of the right on Cuba, I notice that Fidel Castro is going to die peacefully in his bed after 45+ years running Cuba. Then there's Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE, Yemen, etc. in the Middle East.
How many other countries with human rights problems do we either ignore, ally ourselves with or prop up?
So right you are about it all being rhetoric, Mike. Unfortunately so many people believed the bullshit rhetoric. Hell, just as little ago as Bush's 2005 SoTU address, the TV talking heads and pundits were still stroking the administration over its "principled world-wide democracy campaign."
Of course, Iraq and too a lesser extent Afghanistan have taken care of that campaign for most people.
This is not the America I was brought up to believe in.
This blog seeks to highlight abuse of power, deception, corruption, and just plain bad ideas in government and corporations.
Updated several times a day.
It's nice to see Bush-style democracy being spread across the globe...duck!!!
Reality-Based Educator, at 1:36 PM
We're not invading them, are we?
We're doing even less for these people than for the people af Darfur. Their king must be letting us have his resources.
mikevotes, at 2:26 PM
I think we're ignoring them Mike. The only oil they have is hash oil. Not worth it to them to be worrying about the oppressed populations of resource poor nations.
Anonymous, at 4:38 PM
And, they're not useful militarily and we aren't trying to roll back the Russian eastern bloc. We're using other nations in the region to counterbalance China. Just shows how much it's rhetoric, eh?
mikevotes, at 5:17 PM
I've never understood why when Bush apologists show up on TV and claim we had to invade Iraq because Saddam was such a muderous thug who slaughtered his own people that nobody slams that talking point down their throats by listing all the other countries with murderous dictator thugs and human rights violations that we either coddle, ally ourselves with or ignore.
Wouldn't be fun to list them all?
I think you already started, Mike, by naming Nepal and Darfur. After this week's Hu visit, I suppose we should add China. For all the rhetoric out of the right on Cuba, I notice that Fidel Castro is going to die peacefully in his bed after 45+ years running Cuba. Then there's Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE, Yemen, etc. in the Middle East.
How many other countries with human rights problems do we either ignore, ally ourselves with or prop up?
So right you are about it all being rhetoric, Mike. Unfortunately so many people believed the bullshit rhetoric. Hell, just as little ago as Bush's 2005 SoTU address, the TV talking heads and pundits were still stroking the administration over its "principled world-wide democracy campaign."
Of course, Iraq and too a lesser extent Afghanistan have taken care of that campaign for most people.
Reality-Based Educator, at 5:39 PM
The Congo, Zimbabwe, Kazahistan, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Saudi, Myanmar, Pakistan....
mikevotes, at 6:07 PM
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