Another bad poll for Bush
The real jump out item here is in the sub headline: Forty-Seven Percent of Americans 'Strongly' Disapprove of Handling of the Presidency.
Like the polling reality post I wrote on Friday, these are people who are strongly disaffected and are not likely to turn back quickly.
Now, the election is a long way away, but maybe we should start really discussing the Bush Anchor Effect. (By the way, it was phrased specific to "your congressional district.")
Also, I think I'm going to start a pool on what day the first bombs will fall on Tehran. I don't know what the prize will be yet, but I'm going to go out and claim Tuesday, Sept. 19. Any other guesses?
Like the polling reality post I wrote on Friday, these are people who are strongly disaffected and are not likely to turn back quickly.
Now, the election is a long way away, but maybe we should start really discussing the Bush Anchor Effect. (By the way, it was phrased specific to "your congressional district.")
A majority of registered voters, 55 percent, say they currently plan to vote for the Democratic candidate in their House district while 40 percent support the Republican candidate.
Also, I think I'm going to start a pool on what day the first bombs will fall on Tehran. I don't know what the prize will be yet, but I'm going to go out and claim Tuesday, Sept. 19. Any other guesses?
I think September's too early for a true "wag the dog" bombing campaign and/or October Surprise. Things could go too wrong by November for Rove to chance a September 19th bombing.
I think late Ocotber is a better bet. Enough time to get the nation riled up and bloodthirsty, but not enough time for people to realize just what folly a war w/ Iran is.
So put me down for October 30th or 31st. I think a Halloween bombing is in the cards.
Reality-Based Educator, at 6:31 PM
I want October 20th for the same reasons as above. A backlash when no one can get gasoline would damage Repubs, and that'll happen within a week or two of bombing.
Greyhair, at 8:29 PM
Allright, I'm starting the list. If anybody does get it right on, I do promise a prize of some sort, although I don't know what at this point.
What's an appropriate prize for picking the day of a nuclear deonation?
mikevotes, at 9:01 PM
I have mixed feelings about these low poll numbers. It's like having the person you despise the most publicly exposed as an incompetent, bumbling fool, completely unqualified for the job he's doing... and then realizing he's the pilot of the plane your on.
-epm, at 9:24 PM
I have an anonymous source that claims the invasion is on for january 2007. They really want to ramp up the propaganda machine for this one, since it's going to be more costly to Americans than Iraq, and they figure by then the American people will have forgotten all about the lies made against Saddam.
Lew Scannon, at 10:11 PM
I wouldn't doubt it Lew, but I'm not giving you a whole month. Gimme a date or two.
And, EPM, you're right. I get that stark terror from time to time when I realize that this administration has the ability to end all life on earth in about an hour or so.
I try not to think about it.
I would take your parallel and change it slightly. It's like being convinced the pilot is am imposter who doesn't know how to fly, spending hours convincing everyone, feeling a rush of exultation that you've won, then realizing suddenly just what that means.
I try not to think about that either.
mikevotes, at 10:18 PM
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