Picture of the Day

Well, I didn't think he had a plan before, but maybe I was wrong. I mean, look at all that signage.
Seems a little desperate, doesn't it?
(Also, I don't know if anyone else noticed all the strange ticks and mouth movements the President displayed at his press conference. Much has been made of them over the years, but that seemed to be the highest frequency I remember. Somebody clipped about a five second video of the worst one I remember seeing. I don't think it's Tourette's, but it is there. I'm just not comfortable trying to diagnose him from 5 seconds of video. I'm not Bill Frist after all. Just click on the play arrow.)
he's sick, thats apparent. I've read about early onset Alzheimer's as well. (presenile dementia)
Yukkione, at 11:03 PM
I'm glad he has a plan... I just wish he had a clue.
-epm, at 6:54 AM
I feel better about "a victory" already -- he used an indefinite article yesterday. Which was nice of him. In a way, he's being more specific by being less specific.
Bravo 2-1, at 8:42 AM
Yeah, I don't think it's a stretch to posit some nerve disorder, although realistically, it could just be some kind of reaction to stress.
I tend to lean towards the former as well, but there is a reason every president looks 20 years older when he leaves.
I'm just not really comfortable diagnosing him from 5 seconds of video tape. I'm not Bill Frist after all.
The whole thing just seems so overdone. Speaking in front of a muted grey on blue "Progress for America" background is one thing, but this is just ridiculous
mikevotes, at 8:45 AM
I loved the part where he sort of suggested that the audience could counteract the negative media, and thus avoid having to "suppress the free press," if they "keep the word moving" through blogs!
Then they panned out over the adoring crowd, and I thought, "These people look like they would have trouble writing a shopping list, much less a blog!"
For many, the first hurdle would be figuring out which of the many internets to use!
seenos, at 9:47 AM
I saw that excerpt, too and thought the same thing.
I also thought to myself. The President can't lie to the real media, at least not any further than he already does, so he's going to encourage these people to spread mistruths for him.
mikevotes, at 10:17 AM
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