Fertility Drugs for Laura Bush
I'm just posting this so it can gain a little notice and maybe help in the Roe v Wade debate by pointing out the logical inconsistencies of the Religious Right's position that abortion is against God's will, but creating life is just hunky dory. (so, if you feel the need to make the inevitable "Chimpy couldn't get it up" comment, please keep it in good taste.)
March 22, 2006 -- FIRST Lady Laura Bush gave birth to twin daughters Jenna and Barbara only after taking powerful fertility drugs, according to a major new book.This is from a gossip column, but as it goes into a fairly detalied list of the drugs taken, time frames, days of the week, etc., I tend to think it's true.In "Laura Bush: An Intimate Portrait of the First Lady" (Random House).......
San Diego Rehab
Sanjana, at 8:41 AM
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