Picture of the Day - 3

Think the Reuters photographer is trying to pass on a message?
And, yes. It's real.
U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney speaks during his keynote address to the U.S. Labor Department's 2006 National Summit on Retirement Savings at the Willard Hotel in Washington March 2, 2006. REUTERS - Larry Downing
Somebody out there oughtta buy Larry Downing a drink.
Cephas, at 3:53 PM
Oh that's PRICELESS!! Mind if I steal it? I'll link to your blog of course. ;)
Handsome B. Wonderful, at 4:23 PM
That's why it got me because it was so obviously intentional by the Reuters photog.
And James, feel free to take anything away from here. I always like links because, since I don't run a counter, I'm technorati obsessed, but I stole it from Reuters so I have no real claim(link to original in text "it's real".)
mikevotes, at 5:01 PM
Mike you find the greatest pictures. This one is priceless.
I wonder how many on the Bush staff would get a chuckle from this one.
MadMustard, at 6:58 PM
That is too funny!
Lew Scannon, at 7:30 PM
Oh, this is a gem. I must ask to post this, too. With proper creds to you, of course. I got to laugh out loud before heading off to bed. Thanks for the smile.
QuakerDave, at 9:11 PM
Again, steal it. It's not my photo to give away. As with all my posts, if it helps dessiminate the message, repost it, republishit, reuse it without guilt.
But if you manage to find a way to make money off it, then we gotta talk.
(a very informal description of my use policy.)
mikevotes, at 10:32 PM
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