The Feingold Resolution on Censuring the President
If you haven't heard about this yet, Sen. Russ Feingold (D - Wis.) stated yesterday that he intended to introduce for a vote a bill on Censuring the President for his ordering the warrantless wiretapping of American citizens.
Here's the text of the bill off the CSPAN2 site.
The blog banging the drum most loudly on this is Firedoglake. So if this grabs you, that's probably your best blog clearinghouse at this point.
I'll be very curious to see how far up the agenda this is on the nightly talk shows. Probably, just from their sense of propriety, the President's rudderless speech will probably be top, but I'll bet this dominates the second, more frenetic and partisan half of these shows.
Here's the text of the bill off the CSPAN2 site.
The blog banging the drum most loudly on this is Firedoglake. So if this grabs you, that's probably your best blog clearinghouse at this point.
I'll be very curious to see how far up the agenda this is on the nightly talk shows. Probably, just from their sense of propriety, the President's rudderless speech will probably be top, but I'll bet this dominates the second, more frenetic and partisan half of these shows.
I'm watching the Beard on CNN.
Blitzer led w/ the new Gallup numbers (Bush approval at 36% - lowest ever in Gallup poll; 51% of Americans see Bush as a weak president), then went to an interview w/ Murtha, then broke away from Murtha to go to Feingold on the Senate floor but Fristie was being a dick and pulling some parliamentary nonsense to try and take away Feingold's time.
Now CNN just went back to Feingold on the Senate floor. Arlen Specter interrupted him, again to eat away at Feingold's time, but Feingold's back hammering the preznit as a lawbreaker.
Judging from how the Beard is covering the story, I think the cable shows will give this some juice tonight.
But we'll see, I guess.
Reality-Based Educator, at 3:32 PM
I do too. It's their kind of story. Get a politician on, ask him loaded questions, try to make him defend something fairly indefensible. It's not journalism, but it gets ratings.
mikevotes, at 4:17 PM
From what I've been reading, Democratic party support for Feingold is tepid at best. So, why is there still any question as to why the Democrats have no direction, and probably little hope of winning anything this fall?
The issue has been handed to them on the proverbial platter. They may yet drop it.
QuakerDave, at 6:41 PM
Yeah, Dave. They torpedoed it. By their luke warm support, they pretty much guaranteed that itwouldn't get strong media play.
Also, notice the Republicans threatened a vote at any time to keep Feingold from making the talk show circuit tonight.
mikevotes, at 8:34 PM
Why don't the dems step up and support Feingold? it is pathetic
Graeme, at 11:56 PM
I don't know. Their strategy has baffled me forever. I think their more afraid of losing votes than winning.
It's like a losing team that finds itself ahead, and is so worried about losing their lead, they lose focus.
mikevotes, at 8:55 PM
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