Be afraid. Be very afraid.
On Friday, I, along with lots of other bloggers, pointed out the coincidental timing of the most recent terror warning(?) with Bush's once again falling poll numbers. So, with my suspicions up, this morning, I come across this from ABCNews.
How often does this have to happen before we stop referring to it as coincidental?
And are we about to have a tuna and powdered milk run similar to the duct tape frenzy a couple years ago? I wonder what kind of donation I would need to make to the Bush administration to get my product listed as a panic buy item?
March 13, 2006 — - In a remarkable speech over the weekend, Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael Leavitt recommended that Americans start storing canned tuna and powdered milk under their beds as the prospect of a deadly bird flu outbreak approaches the United States.This speech could have been made at any time over the last year, and Secretary of Health and Human Services Michael Leavitt just happens to paint this implied picture of total societal breakdown concurrently with the other terror warning and falling poll numbers?
How often does this have to happen before we stop referring to it as coincidental?
And are we about to have a tuna and powdered milk run similar to the duct tape frenzy a couple years ago? I wonder what kind of donation I would need to make to the Bush administration to get my product listed as a panic buy item?
My guess is that Rummy sold his shares of the company that owns the patent on tamiflu and invested it in StarKist!
seenos, at 1:03 PM
Actually Leslie they did. Before I had a lot of readers on this blog, I was screaming about the fact that FEMA had forbidden the Red Cross to enter New Orleans after Katrina with the express purpose of forcing people to leave.
The plan was to starve the people out of New Orleans!!!
But as they gave them no way to leave, they just starved them. As Policy.
And quarantine is equally terrifying. In mass quarantines, you are forcing a certain number of non infected to live with the infected guaranteeing their infection. It's the only way to do it, but it's shitty policy.
That's one of the theories of what's behind the "immigration" camps that Halliburton has been contracted to build.
And, SEENOS, I don't know what to make of the Rumsfeld sale of his Tamiflu stock except maybe he knows more than the rest of us about the Tamiflu resistant strain that has developed in Vietnam.
mikevotes, at 2:48 PM
Leslie, I'm sorry.
I've sat here for the last 30 minutes and written the same long response TWICE.
And blogger has eaten it TWICE.
You're saying good things, and I have stuff to throw back, but I just can't do it again right now. Maybe later. I don't know.
I'm just so frustrated.
mikevotes, at 4:53 PM
And that one it took.
mikevotes, at 4:54 PM
We got our Spam. Spam, Spa, powered eggs, canned milk, bottled water, and Spam. We'll wrap it the clear plastic and seal it up with the duct tape they told us to buy the LAST time we were told that we were basically ON OUR OWN.
And again, I ask, WHERE ARE THE DEMOCRATS? How many issues can they be handed (wrapped in duct tape) and still not have a "message"???
QuakerDave, at 7:45 PM
Not *Spa*. SPAM. A lot.
QuakerDave, at 5:46 PM
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