Feingold is brilliant.
After I posted this morning on trying to fracture the Republican coalition, fundamentalist Bush supporters and corporate interests, using immigration as example, Russ Feingold came out shooting at another fracture which holds very little potential downside for the Dems.
Basically, he will be proposing a vote on Monday morning on Censuring the President for the "unlawful authorization of wiretaps." (3 minute video from his appearance on This Week.)
This is absolutely brilliant tactics as it stresses the Republican coalition by pitting the libertarian edge of the party against the Bush loyalists. I don't know all the procedurals, but I can't imagine the Senate leadership will let this come to a vote, but certainly it will be the main topic of discussion all Monday and will destroy any hope the White House had of getting back on their talking points all week.
And the optimism and speculation of who will be the Republican nominee for 2008 coming out of the straw poll at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference? Gone. No discussions of a hopeful GOP future; all focus on the crappy Republican present.
The Dems really need to learn how to do this, to set the talk show agenda, which at this point, since they control neither legislative body or the presidency, is their best mechanism for getting out their message. To do so, they do have to trust the talking heads to pile on, but with Bush's poll numbers where they are, I think we can count on that. They thrive on he said/she said conflict after all.
There will certainly be some blowback, (I can already hear Chris Matthews chiding Dems for this) but as the party out of power you just have to accept that, knowing that on a perception level, the Republicans will take the lion's share of blame for any sense of chaos in Washington.
UPDATE: Later in the show, Frist more or less accused Feingold of aiding Al Qaeda, aiding Iran, and putting your family at risk through this move. I smell desperation. (By the way, I find the mixing of the Al Qaeda reference and the use of the pronoun "they" to refer to dems in the second paragraph telling. Here's the video to give the delivery.)
(sorry for the long post, but I wanted show Frist accusing Feingold of aiding the enemy.
Basically, he will be proposing a vote on Monday morning on Censuring the President for the "unlawful authorization of wiretaps." (3 minute video from his appearance on This Week.)
This is absolutely brilliant tactics as it stresses the Republican coalition by pitting the libertarian edge of the party against the Bush loyalists. I don't know all the procedurals, but I can't imagine the Senate leadership will let this come to a vote, but certainly it will be the main topic of discussion all Monday and will destroy any hope the White House had of getting back on their talking points all week.
And the optimism and speculation of who will be the Republican nominee for 2008 coming out of the straw poll at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference? Gone. No discussions of a hopeful GOP future; all focus on the crappy Republican present.
The Dems really need to learn how to do this, to set the talk show agenda, which at this point, since they control neither legislative body or the presidency, is their best mechanism for getting out their message. To do so, they do have to trust the talking heads to pile on, but with Bush's poll numbers where they are, I think we can count on that. They thrive on he said/she said conflict after all.
There will certainly be some blowback, (I can already hear Chris Matthews chiding Dems for this) but as the party out of power you just have to accept that, knowing that on a perception level, the Republicans will take the lion's share of blame for any sense of chaos in Washington.
UPDATE: Later in the show, Frist more or less accused Feingold of aiding Al Qaeda, aiding Iran, and putting your family at risk through this move. I smell desperation. (By the way, I find the mixing of the Al Qaeda reference and the use of the pronoun "they" to refer to dems in the second paragraph telling. Here's the video to give the delivery.)
And as I was listening to it, I was hoping deep inside that the leadership in Iran and other people who really have the U.S. not in their best interests are not listening because of the terrible -- the terrible -- signal it sends.
(sorry for the long post, but I wanted show Frist accusing Feingold of aiding the enemy.
The nice angle here is that they can blast the Dems all they want. The issue isn't a hypohetical, like how someone may or may not have behaved during a war in the 60's. We all know about the wiretaps, so you can claim the censure is unpatriotic all you want. The public gets the issues, here - and, as you said, brillianty forces the incumbents into response mode for the week. Gotta keep this going.
Anonymous, at 3:57 PM
Yep, there will be a response, but the response necessarily includes the charge. That''s how you make a politician look bad.
mikevotes, at 4:01 PM
Feingold better by the nominee in 2008. This guy is brillant.
Graeme, at 12:50 AM
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