Bush poll numbers down? Terror Alert!!! (Update)
I can't believe they're still pulling this crap. No terror alerts in 2005, but I guess this is an election year.
Actually, the FBI has generally dealt with all this pretty squarely, but after hearing "wolf" everytime the Bush poll numbers sagged all throughout election year 2004, I can't help a little skepticism.
UPDATE: Putting on my most cynical hat, this is released late Friday so the smallest possible amount of media coverage, right? So, who's going to know about it or hear about it? Men. Men sitting watching these basketball games is where this is most likely to come up and be discussed. That brings to mind this little tidbit from the polling stories this week.
What do you think?
(reposted with update from last night.)
Also, if you've never seen this, it is fascinating. It's a segment from the Keith Olberman Show that shows the repeated links between terror alerts and low Bush poll numbers. It's a little long(12 min), but eye opening. It's a mini Cronkite moment. October 12, 2005. (I am not plugging the site this comes from, it's just the first link I came across.)
FBI: No Credible Threat, but Be Vigilant
The FBI said Friday there is no specific, credible threat of a terror attack aimed at college basketball arenas or other sports stadiums, but acknowledged alerting law enforcement to a recent Internet posting discussing such attacks.....
"We have absolutely no credible intelligence or threats pertaining to this issue," Kolko said.
Actually, the FBI has generally dealt with all this pretty squarely, but after hearing "wolf" everytime the Bush poll numbers sagged all throughout election year 2004, I can't help a little skepticism.
UPDATE: Putting on my most cynical hat, this is released late Friday so the smallest possible amount of media coverage, right? So, who's going to know about it or hear about it? Men. Men sitting watching these basketball games is where this is most likely to come up and be discussed. That brings to mind this little tidbit from the polling stories this week.
Bush's job approval among Republicans plummeted from 82 percent in February to 74 percent, a dangerous sign in a midterm election year when parties rely on enthusiasm from their most loyal voters. The biggest losses were among white males.
What do you think?
(reposted with update from last night.)
Also, if you've never seen this, it is fascinating. It's a segment from the Keith Olberman Show that shows the repeated links between terror alerts and low Bush poll numbers. It's a little long(12 min), but eye opening. It's a mini Cronkite moment. October 12, 2005. (I am not plugging the site this comes from, it's just the first link I came across.)
When I got home from work today, there wa a story about even lower Bush numbers than previous releaed last week, but after a distraction (the kids came over), I went to find the story and it disappeared.And I'm talking low closing on Cheney numbers.
Lew Scannon, at 10:21 PM
Try www.pollingreport.com. They usually have every poll up within a couple hours, at least the majors.
Hope you enjoyed the time with the kids.
mikevotes, at 6:07 AM
He might have, that's got pictures doesn't it?
mikevotes, at 12:57 PM
everytime, never fails
Graeme, at 3:08 PM
Mike Bloomberg was the only politician to use a terror alert in 2005 for political gain.
You may remember the subway terror threat in NYC last October? The one the Feds said was bullshit?
That was Mayor Moneybags pulling a page from the Rovian playbook.
It was kinda sad too. He was facing Freddie Ferrer, after all.
But rumor had it that Mayor Moneybags wanted to beat Rudy's margin of victory over Ruth Moessinger in 1997 and nothing says "Powerful Leader" than giving a press conference to tell people terrorists want to blow the shit out of them.
Sad, really, that politicians are so slimy to politicize terror alerts and sadder still that most Americans are dumb enough to be fooled by the B.S. terror alerts.
Reality-Based Educator, at 3:13 PM
If my connection is true, I'm impressed by the focus of the media campaign. To figure out a way to hit primarily males, sports fans and more likely Bush supporters, the people on the edge of those that are turning against Bush.
I mean, the white males at Nascar haven't wobbled, but the slightly more urban college basketball fans....
That's pretty sharp marketing work, really.
And you're right educator. It is pretty sad. One of the biggest transformations in recen political history(it's mad an appearance in the past) is the change from a positive message "this is what I want to do" to a negative protective message "I'm going to keep others from doing stuff to you." and that extends from terrorists to the "hollywood agenda."
mikevotes, at 4:30 PM
March Madness coming up: time for a terror alert! Primary elections coming up for House and Senate races: time for a terror alert! The news out of Iraq spells c-i-v-i-l w-a-r in big bold letters: time for a big fat terror alert.
At least you can say this for George: he's consistent, and predictable...
QuakerDave, at 5:23 PM
Again, I'm amazed at the demographic precision of this.
And good point, Dave. Nobody gives a crap about how badly Iraq is going if they're afraid al qaeda's gonna come and gitcha.
mikevotes, at 5:27 PM
You're right about the use of fear in politics, Mike. Keep 'em scared and they'll keep voting for us.
I think the media uses the same techniques to keep people watching TV. Keep 'em scared and they'll keep tuning in.
And of course Karl Rove, Karen Hughes and the other p.r. people are smart enough to know the cable news and network news shows will happily to spread the "message of fear" far and wide.
Good point about the demographic targeting of white, sports-watching males with this terror alert. It is ingenious way to bring those support numbers back up. I just wish Rove/Hughes/Bush et al. were as good at governing as they are at manipulating the media and the gullible electorate.
Reality-Based Educator, at 9:29 AM
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