Picture of the Day - 2

The Good Daughter.
Barbara Bush (Jr) has been travelling with her mother on good will trips, to Africa and right now, to Italy.
There are never any photos of the other twin Jenna.
I was looking through news photos this morning and there are 150 returns for Barbara Bush, almost all this one, while there was one return for Jenna, the inauguration.
Just interesting.
(Yeah, I know, the scandal shots, I've got one of them here, but even those are all over a year old. The only recent Jenna sightings are at parties. And one where she left her UT ID at a coke dealer's house.)
Jenna can be seen here in all her umm... glory.
Yukkione, at 9:50 AM
wow. the bush girls always look so engaged and aware.
... i missed the bit about the coke dealer originally. thanks for the tip.
Anonymous, at 11:38 AM
The less we see them maybe the better. Unless the Hilton sisters need to be replaced...
Lily, at 1:25 PM
Left, I've seen that one, but the editorial board here thought it was too much for my audience. When I did a Jenna photo search awhile back, I came across one place that had a wallpaper of that photo from the waist to the knees.
And Lily, actually, for all the deserved crap that Jenna gets, Barbara appears to have recognized her opportunity and position. She's still not super bright, or super good at it, but I think she does recognize that she is the president's daughter.
But, Jenna could race with Paris Hilton if she were allowed to have a film crew follow her.
mikevotes, at 1:31 PM
Like it or not, that pic of Barbara is pretty hot.....
But then, I'm a dirty old man.
Greyhair, at 2:03 PM
Look no further for the reason Barbara is favored than the history of the Bush clan passing out nicknames. Early on, Babs was given "princess," while her sister was tagged with "ugly stepsister." But, hey, unlike the Kennedys they didn't stick their unwanted kids in the attic.
Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker, at 2:46 PM
But they have stuck her in a closet, Rex.
When was the last time you saw Jenna? Over a year ago.
And, I never disputed that the Bush girls are attractive, but that has very little bearing upon their character.
mikevotes, at 2:59 PM
Oh ... yeah ... character. That's what you post was about ... right? (me stares at the pic)
Greyhair, at 4:03 PM
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