Hackett's out
This distresses me. Paul Hackett has withdrawn from the Democratic Primary in Ohio to replace Sen. Mike Dewine. I recognize that Hackett was raw but that was part of the charm I found in him. His "bombthrowing" (a compliment when it was applied to Gingrich years ago) was a refreshing and something I feel the Democrats need more of.
I know nothing about Rep. Sherrod Brown, he may be a great candidate and the main priority is to defeat DeWine who seems to be one of the worst Bush toadies after my own Sen. Cornyn, but I find this disheartening. Especially in the way it apparently went down.
You tanked an honest man. And that sucks.
UPDATE: A little more from the Hackett statement.
Yeah, we sure don't want guys like this in office.
I know nothing about Rep. Sherrod Brown, he may be a great candidate and the main priority is to defeat DeWine who seems to be one of the worst Bush toadies after my own Sen. Cornyn, but I find this disheartening. Especially in the way it apparently went down.
But the DSCC still supports Lieberman. You don't get rid of this kind of politician, you use him to work with his base. The Republicans don't trot out crazy religious Brownback to a broad national audience, but they use him to appeal to a small but significant percentage of their base who believe the world is only 8,000 years old.
You tanked an honest man. And that sucks.
UPDATE: A little more from the Hackett statement.
Thus ends my 11 month political career. Although it is an overused political cliche, I really will be spending more time with my family, something I wasn't able to do because my service to country in the political realm continued after my return from Iraq. Perhaps my wonderful wife Suzi said it best after we made this decision when she said "Honey, welcome home." I really did marry up.
Yeah, we sure don't want guys like this in office.
Hey Mike-- I've weighed in on this as well. The whole thing stinks, and I think it's going to be an ugly couple of weeks in the blogosphere.
My biggest disappointment has been the way the bigger bloggers (kos in particular) have crapped out on this one. They've become apologists for the Dem leadership and I just can't see any excuse for it.
The people of Ohio should have been making this decision, not the DSCC.
Marisa, at 10:26 AM
I find it disgusting that Hackett was let to the woodshed. He had fire in his belly but the national Dems are worrried that he was too opinionated.
Yea, right! That's what we need to counteract the Republican propaganda machine.
'Brown' is an old Ohio political name and anybody named 'Brown' has a 10 point starting advantage in Ohio politics.
liberal_dem, at 10:29 AM
That's part of it, but he also appears to have been significantly lagging in fundraising. But that's something that could have been fixed with some national help. But unfortunately in modern politics that's used as the primary guage of support rather than popularity.
I also think they see that seat as highly winnable and didn't want a bruising primary with Iraq being the main topic. I don't know how Brown voted on the Iraq war, but I'm betting he voted yes.
Lastly, maybe it's just not yet apparent, but they should have offered Hackett a job as a speaker/fundraiser/party builder. They may have and he may have refused in the face of all this, but he does have a national constituency.
I'm guessing the cynical calculation was that he was a maybe win, but they were afraid that the national discussion he would spawn on Iraq would cause problems elsewhere. (Right, like it's gonna muddy your Iraq message, Mr. Democrat.)
It just stinks.
mikevotes, at 11:13 AM
Oh, and thanks a ton, Lib dem, for the contribution on Ohio politics.
mikevotes, at 11:14 AM
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