Did you hear about this?
If you're here, you're somewhat of a newsjunkie, so just as a check on the media's coverage of Iraq, let me ask a question. Buried in a NYTimes story on Khalilzad warning against a sectarian government was this line.
Have you seen ANY media coverage of Iraq's "bloodiest day?"
And what does that mean in the greater politics of the conflict?
Mr. Khalilzad spoke at a news conference on a day of fresh violence across Iraq. It was the bloodiest day in almost two months.
Have you seen ANY media coverage of Iraq's "bloodiest day?"
And what does that mean in the greater politics of the conflict?
Yeah, did you see the US threat not to deal with the new Iraqi government if it was too sectarian?
So, if that's the case, what exactly does the US propose to do?
mikevotes, at 11:03 AM
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