Cheney tried to hide he was the shooter?
A very cryptic description of events in the Cheney shooting from Time magazine.
Also, talking with different aides and family members garnered different stories? This doesn't inspire my confidence. I may have to get the tinfoil hat back out.
At about 8 a.m. Sunday, a Cheney aide called strategist Mary Matalin, who regularly advises the Vice President. The aide read her a statement about the accident that Cheney had considered releasing before he decided to encourage Armstrong to go to the Caller-Times. But the statement "didn't say much of anything," Matalin says--not even that Cheney was the shooter. Matalin then spoke with a second aide and with Cheney's family and heard different versions of what had happened in the shooting. She decided no statement should be released amid the confusion. Matalin spoke with Cheney, and, she says, they agreed that "a fuller accounting, with an eyewitness," would be preferable.I'm not sure if this is saying that Cheney was trying to hide his role from the public or from the White House, but it sure is interesting. This is after they woke up the next morning.
Also, talking with different aides and family members garnered different stories? This doesn't inspire my confidence. I may have to get the tinfoil hat back out.
From this article it seems like Cheney didn't tell even his closest handlers (Matalin) an accurate story. Obviously the American people have no reason to trust Cheney but from this it sounds like no one trusts him.
What a mess.
left-over, at 8:28 PM
You know how it is when your drunk, everything seems a little different the next day.
Lew Scannon, at 8:54 PM
It's so obvious to us all that Cheney waited so long to get the story out because he first had to examine all his options. Would the other witnesses go with a story that he wasn't the shooter? Would they lie about booze being imbibed? Apparently not all of them, and I find it highly suspicious that not a single other witness than the Armstrongs has come forward to tell what he/she knows.
Looks to me like some of Cheney's buddies said we'll keep quiet for you but we won't lie.
Motherlode, at 10:51 AM
Motherlode, Yeah, Lying would've destroyed careers if they were caught. "Letting Cheney be in charge of releasing the details" will put you in good stead with the loyalists. I also find it weird that no news company has gotten ahold of any of the staff at the ranch. They must know something.
Left over, that's what I found interesting in this is that he was, at least initially, trying to deceive his own people. To me, that makes it all sound so much more suspicious.
And Lew, "I did what last night?"
mikevotes, at 11:07 AM
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