Cheney transcript and commentary
The Cheney transcript is here. I didn't watch the interview. Quick points:
1) There is an admission of alcohol on the day in question, although it was "a beer at lunch" which would give plenty of time to shoot straight. But what do you expect him to say? When the cops pull a driver over, the usual response is "a beer or two."
2) "I take total responsibility", BUT, a) he came up from behind me, b)he was in a gulley, c) he was coming out from behind some brush, d) the sun was in my eyes.
3) How can you have this interview and not ask him what time the sheriff's dept talked to him (8am the next morning) and why on earth that was?
4) Plug to Brit Hume for actually asking the question about Cheney unilaterally declassifying material. And, Dick, once the material has been declassified, even by you, you're allowed to talk about it. "I don't want to get into that." Well, duh. Of course you don't.
Lastly, I'll say it again, maybe I have an old-fashined sense of etiquette, but when you shoot somebody in the face and they end up in ICU, you do a little more than send an aide along to report back to you while you go back to the ranch for a sit down dinner. You go to the freakin' hospital. You shot him in the face.
(These are just my first thoughts on a quick read. I'll probably add more as I read other people's opinions.)
I'm going to reprint this one. On a report from the Corpus Christi doctor's press conference this morning. "The last question of the press conference was whether or not Whittington's blood alcohol had ever been tested. The response: "No comment.""
Wouldn't you expect that question to be answered with a clear no?
UPDATE: Alan Dershowitz is asking the alcohol question with a clarity I can only strive for.
1) There is an admission of alcohol on the day in question, although it was "a beer at lunch" which would give plenty of time to shoot straight. But what do you expect him to say? When the cops pull a driver over, the usual response is "a beer or two."
2) "I take total responsibility", BUT, a) he came up from behind me, b)he was in a gulley, c) he was coming out from behind some brush, d) the sun was in my eyes.
3) How can you have this interview and not ask him what time the sheriff's dept talked to him (8am the next morning) and why on earth that was?
4) Plug to Brit Hume for actually asking the question about Cheney unilaterally declassifying material. And, Dick, once the material has been declassified, even by you, you're allowed to talk about it. "I don't want to get into that." Well, duh. Of course you don't.
Lastly, I'll say it again, maybe I have an old-fashined sense of etiquette, but when you shoot somebody in the face and they end up in ICU, you do a little more than send an aide along to report back to you while you go back to the ranch for a sit down dinner. You go to the freakin' hospital. You shot him in the face.
(These are just my first thoughts on a quick read. I'll probably add more as I read other people's opinions.)
I'm going to reprint this one. On a report from the Corpus Christi doctor's press conference this morning. "The last question of the press conference was whether or not Whittington's blood alcohol had ever been tested. The response: "No comment.""
Wouldn't you expect that question to be answered with a clear no?
UPDATE: Alan Dershowitz is asking the alcohol question with a clarity I can only strive for.
A simple cost/benefit analysis suggests that he (or those advising him) must have believed that there was more to be gained than lost by a 14 hour delay that would eventually be made public. It is likely, therefore, that something happened during that 14 hour period which was worth the negative costs of the delay.
Now I see, it wasn't Cheney's fault because Whittington was drunk! Cheney is above reproach, and besides, alcohol affects all the medications he's on.
Lew Scannon, at 7:09 PM
Let's not forget about that cocktail after the accident too. Oh, and those DUI's from the past and the license suspension. Digby has the dirt if you want to take a look.
His story doesn't add up. So far the media seems to be swallowing it whole. It's gonna be up to the blogosphere to find the truth on this.
Greyhair, at 7:39 PM
Lew, my point in mentioning the possibility that Whittington was drinking was to also point out the possibility that Cheney was drinking.
Unlike the VP's office, I'm not trying to slam Whittington for getting shot here, I'm trying to establish the tone of what was going down.
I may not have stated that clearly in the original, or I may have misunderstood your comment(wouldn't be the first time), but I thought I'd clarify what I was attempting to say.
You usually have something pretty good to say here.
mikevotes, at 10:41 PM
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