Evidence Feith lied to the president about Iraq
NEWSWEEK has obtained declassified copies of slides made for the briefing. There are three sets: a version for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, one for the then CIA Director George Tenet and one shown at a White House session attended by the then deputy national-security adviser Stephen Hadley and Lewis (Scooter) Libby, Cheney's chief of staff at the time. The White House materials include a slide, not part of the other briefings, devoted to the alleged Atta meeting. (Rumsfeld and Tenet were told there was "one indication of Iraqi involvement with Al Qaeda specifically related to 9/11.") The White House slide, dated September 2002, cites publicized allegations from a post-9/11 Czech intel report that Atta met the April before 9/11 with Iraqi spy Ahmed al-Ani, and asserts the United States had "no other" intel contradicting the report.
Dig deep into Feith's OSP, Mr. DoD Inspector General. Your investigation may find the truth of what these guys did.
ALSO: James Risen's new book, the one with the NSA spying, has this:
In all, the book says, some 30 family members of Iraqis made trips to their native country to contact Iraqi weapons scientists, and all of them reported that the programs had been abandoned.
He lied? No surprise here. Many people lied to Bush.
And that is the problem with electing a naive part-time governor who never traveled outside of the country, did not like to read, and was incurious about life.
But then, Americans always prefer style to substance.
liberal_dem, at 7:31 AM
As the liberal_dem says. You could tell Bush the moon was made of green cheese and he is just incurious enough to buy into it if it served his world picture. He hears what he wants to hear and ignores what doesn't match his distorted reality. He wanted reasons to attack Iraq and would have jumped on anything that would justify his doing so.
fallenmonk, at 10:30 AM
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