Mistrust the military?
Gallup poll in the WaPo
More than three-quarters of Americans also believe that the military occasionally provides false or inaccurate information to the media, according to the poll, which surveyed 1,016 adults during the first two weeks of June.
An ex miltary guy in the article theorizes....
Grange, who commanded the 1st Infantry Division. "The military gets negative points because they come across sometimes as being deceptive or using [operational security] as an excuse."
Really. It doesn't have anything to do with other stories in the WaPo today? Stories like this....
Or this.....
Oh, and the irony that we're imprisoning Chinese citizens at Guantanamo so they won't be imprisoned in China was not lost on me.
And, a little more from the same article. Not so much on distrust of the military, just on the bad policy that is Guantanamo. Remember, these guys have been cleared.
One of the Uighurs was "chained to the floor" in a "box with no windows," Willett said in an Aug. 1 court hearing.
More than three-quarters of Americans also believe that the military occasionally provides false or inaccurate information to the media, according to the poll, which surveyed 1,016 adults during the first two weeks of June.
An ex miltary guy in the article theorizes....
Grange, who commanded the 1st Infantry Division. "The military gets negative points because they come across sometimes as being deceptive or using [operational security] as an excuse."
Really. It doesn't have anything to do with other stories in the WaPo today? Stories like this....
Or this.....
Oh, and the irony that we're imprisoning Chinese citizens at Guantanamo so they won't be imprisoned in China was not lost on me.
And, a little more from the same article. Not so much on distrust of the military, just on the bad policy that is Guantanamo. Remember, these guys have been cleared.
One of the Uighurs was "chained to the floor" in a "box with no windows," Willett said in an Aug. 1 court hearing.
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تشكل الحشرات خطر كبير على حياة الإنسان عند تواجدها داخل المنازل والبيوت، ولهذا يجب أن يتم القضاء عليها باستخدام أفضل الطرق الأمنة، ولذا فأنت بحاجة إلى واحدة من شركات مكافحة الحشرات وهي الذي أصبحت أكثر انتشاراً بالمملكة ولكن عند التعامل مع واحدة من تلك الشركات يفضل أن تكون شركة يثق بها الجميع، ويثق في أدائها بالعمل، واليوم سوف نحرص على أن نقدم إليكم واحدة من أكبر الشركات الرائدة في مجال مكافحة الحشرات بجدة، وهي شركتنا شركة مكافحة حشرات بجدة، فشركتنا تحرص على استخدام أقوى المبيدات الحشرية القاتلة للحشرات بأقل وقت ممكن، كما أن
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Unknown, at 10:56 AM
نجار بجدة
من أكثر المهام التي بإمكانك الاستعانة بأفضل نجار بجدة هو الرغبة في تأسيس غرف خشبة متنوعة مثل الانتريهات والصالونات غرف المعيشة مطابخ وغيرها، فإن نجار بجدة يشهد له الجميع الذي سبق لهم التعامل معه بالمصداقية في إتقان العمل بكفاءة عالية، حيث أنه يهتم جيداً على اختيار أحدث الألات والمعدات الخامات المصنفة عالمياً، لإتمام المهام المطلوبة منه على أكمل وجه من السرعة والكفاءة.
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التميز الجنوبي
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Mai, at 10:55 AM
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menna, at 2:50 PM
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القمر السعودى, at 6:12 AM
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علاج أورام الكبد بالأشعة التداخلية, at 3:25 AM
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