The effects of the slime machine
Was watching Olberman tonight, and he had an interview with Gary Qualls, the guy who started "Fort Qualls" as a pro-Bush, pro-War counter to the Sheehan protest. To add context for my later comments, let me say, that he didn't come across as a very bright guy, it could have been that he was on television and not used to it. But, let me say, he didn't sound like a lunatic, he seemed like an honest straight up kind of guy.
He's local to Crawford, and started his (counter?) protest when he saw that a cross had been placed with his son's name on it at the Sheehan protest site. He raised a fuss, took it down, one of the anti-war people put another one up, and he took it down again, and somehow ended up starting "Fort Qualls" as a counter protest site. It's America, it's all good, more power to you.
Understand that these quotes are paraphrases until I can get to the online transcript sometime tomorrow.
But in the interview, it was really interesting to hear how he had synthesized the talking points of the republican machine.
First, from your talk radio brethren, he said something, referring to the antiwar folks, along the lines of " I taught my son not to be one of those people..... even not to associate with those kinds of people."
To him, the antiwar people are sub-human. They are the jews in Germany, the communists in 1950's america. A group so loathsome that he would teach his kids to not even associate with them. Amazing, just amazing. And you wondered how the cops in Selma could do what they did.
Second, he commented that he was only at the protest site a couple times a week because he had work, the responsibilities of raising his remaining 16 year old son, who wants to go into the military by the way. And after he said that, he kinda paused, and looked like he felt guilty that he wasn't there all the time, then re-emphasized that he had responsibilities "and couldn't just take off and abandon my family, travel half way across the country and abandon my family like ms Sheehan. I understand that nobody in her family agrees with her, that they're all against her."
Olberman then pointed out that all her children were grown and on their own and that she didn't really have any responsibilities to abandon. Mr. Qualls looked confused, but didn't say anything.
Again, when I get the transcript I'll correct the wording. Forgive me.
But I was so struck by how this man's reality had been altered, through deliberate effort, to make him believe that people on the left are so lowly as to be beyond association, and that their mothers were so inhuman that they would abandon their children just to tear america down.
This is the success of the ideological brownshirts. You know, that guy in the office who greets anything but the mythological republican America with personal derision and insult. In Houston, there are people who listen to right supporting radio eight to ten hours a day, and are discouraged from reading actual sources for news stories in the "liberal media." They are discouraged from reading source material and finding out facts. Any version or reality that does not conform is part of a liberal conspiracy to let homosexuals fornicate and "pollute our precious bodily fluids. "
Heck, even if you just listen to Limbaugh, let's say, who is no longer the far right side of what's out there, what are you doing to your mind?
Would someone voluntarily sign up for three hours of indoctrination a day? Is that validation of being a "powerful" male so necessary that you will willingly allow someone three hours a day to tamper with your mind for their own ends?
Imagine how it would be presented if a propotional number of Iranians, what a million, or two, listened to the Iranian equivalent?
It really is terrifying to me, because if you are able to separate the populus from facts, the leaders then have ultimate power. This is the way cults work. And in Mr. Quall's interview, I heard just a little of that.
America's on it's way to hard fascism, folks. And, as always happens with states that go to power cults, that will bring about our downfall.
I was born at the Crest of the Empire.
UPDATE: Only sort of related, but I think it applies.
No facts, no facts, no facts. Just vitriol.
He's local to Crawford, and started his (counter?) protest when he saw that a cross had been placed with his son's name on it at the Sheehan protest site. He raised a fuss, took it down, one of the anti-war people put another one up, and he took it down again, and somehow ended up starting "Fort Qualls" as a counter protest site. It's America, it's all good, more power to you.
Understand that these quotes are paraphrases until I can get to the online transcript sometime tomorrow.
But in the interview, it was really interesting to hear how he had synthesized the talking points of the republican machine.
First, from your talk radio brethren, he said something, referring to the antiwar folks, along the lines of " I taught my son not to be one of those people..... even not to associate with those kinds of people."
To him, the antiwar people are sub-human. They are the jews in Germany, the communists in 1950's america. A group so loathsome that he would teach his kids to not even associate with them. Amazing, just amazing. And you wondered how the cops in Selma could do what they did.
Second, he commented that he was only at the protest site a couple times a week because he had work, the responsibilities of raising his remaining 16 year old son, who wants to go into the military by the way. And after he said that, he kinda paused, and looked like he felt guilty that he wasn't there all the time, then re-emphasized that he had responsibilities "and couldn't just take off and abandon my family, travel half way across the country and abandon my family like ms Sheehan. I understand that nobody in her family agrees with her, that they're all against her."
Olberman then pointed out that all her children were grown and on their own and that she didn't really have any responsibilities to abandon. Mr. Qualls looked confused, but didn't say anything.
Again, when I get the transcript I'll correct the wording. Forgive me.
But I was so struck by how this man's reality had been altered, through deliberate effort, to make him believe that people on the left are so lowly as to be beyond association, and that their mothers were so inhuman that they would abandon their children just to tear america down.
This is the success of the ideological brownshirts. You know, that guy in the office who greets anything but the mythological republican America with personal derision and insult. In Houston, there are people who listen to right supporting radio eight to ten hours a day, and are discouraged from reading actual sources for news stories in the "liberal media." They are discouraged from reading source material and finding out facts. Any version or reality that does not conform is part of a liberal conspiracy to let homosexuals fornicate and "pollute our precious bodily fluids. "
Heck, even if you just listen to Limbaugh, let's say, who is no longer the far right side of what's out there, what are you doing to your mind?
Would someone voluntarily sign up for three hours of indoctrination a day? Is that validation of being a "powerful" male so necessary that you will willingly allow someone three hours a day to tamper with your mind for their own ends?
Imagine how it would be presented if a propotional number of Iranians, what a million, or two, listened to the Iranian equivalent?
It really is terrifying to me, because if you are able to separate the populus from facts, the leaders then have ultimate power. This is the way cults work. And in Mr. Quall's interview, I heard just a little of that.
America's on it's way to hard fascism, folks. And, as always happens with states that go to power cults, that will bring about our downfall.
I was born at the Crest of the Empire.
UPDATE: Only sort of related, but I think it applies.
No facts, no facts, no facts. Just vitriol.
I'm hopeful the fears that we are directly on the way to hard fascism are premature. This country has radicalized before, and the pendulum has, to date, brought things back to center. I'm not arguing your ultimate premise. I'm just saying it's a matter of "half-life," if such could be applied to civilizations. We didn't rapidly rise like Nazi Germany -- and we likely won't as rapidly fall. What we're seeing is not new, but it is frightening. Tapes of the McCarthy era (or worse, of Hitler) always made me shudder, to be so glad to live in days (i.e., post 1960) where those things don't happen. Well, they do happen, no matter how many level-headed people are around to voice opposition. I remain optimistic that there are enough intelligent Americans out there that things will "correct" themselves. Maybe not in 2008, I don't know, but soon enough. Sadly, I do think our pendulum swings will be punctuated with events that speak to the decline of our power. Vietnam, our first "defeat" was such a signal. Iraq, unless there is a miracle turn of events, will be another. The era of great, national heroes who actually fought wars is long past. The fact that Lord Nelson, the greatest hero in Britain in his day, died at Trafalgar was a telling, metaphorical sign that England had fought off Napolean, but that a mist was rising over the British Empire. I don't think we've had such a singularly bittersweet event. However, I'd argue that Watergate -- and the ensuing willingness and capability to dispense trust in the highest levels of our government -- was certainly key. For nearly a century after 1805 and Trafalgar, the British continued expansionist exploits, even in the face of growing difficulties in doing so. I expect the same will be true of us.
Wild Bill
Anonymous, at 6:18 AM
Perhaps I was a little unclear in my fervor. I'm not claiming that the US has risen quickly as a world power, and will therefore fall. I'm arguing that this particular rightist movement has risen quickly and seized control of the ship of state, and, as it inevitably falls, has the potential to take the whole country down with it.
Now, I don't like to throw around the Nazi parallels, but as you used it in your example, I think it's fair to work with it.
Pre-war Germany was a fairly unique situation, but I would emphasize the relatively rapid seizure of complete power of what became the Nazi party over a period of five years, depending on where you put the markers. And then, in the relatively short period of the next two to three years, 1939-1941 or 1942, flush with their success, they made a number of decisions which effectively put them on a disastrous course for Germany as a nation.
The parallel, again using your germany analogy, is not to the ascension of Germany as a power, but to the rise of the fascist group which, more or less, highjacked Germany through bigotry and policies of hate, and took the country down with it.
Really, this republican group has been laying the groundwork since Reagan, but the crazies first seized power in the '94 elections, and really consolidated the new religious right's grip in the 2000 election. I fear we may be just past the two to three year period when the decisions were made that will ultimately diminish our country.
Damn. It is hard to write intelligently in this comment format.
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