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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Thursday, September 24, 2009

On Iran, we bought Russia, but China's still sticking.

After canceling the dubious missile defense project in Poland and the Czech Republic, the Russians appear to soften their stand on Iran sanctions.

However, part of that softening might be that the security of knowing that the veto wielding Chinese are still saying no. (But the Chinese don't like to say no alone, so we'll have to wait and see.)


  • The Russian statement was a little ambiguous. My guess is they will ask to see evidence Iran is building a bomb before agreeing to sanctions. There may be some international inspection teams. But that won't satisfy some.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:42 AM  

  • Fully agreed, but it's still movement. The Russians still won't agree to anything near where the hardest anti-Iraners are.

    By Blogger mikevotes, at 10:07 AM  

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