Palin per the NYTimes
The NYTimes tries to write a definitive piece on why Sarah Palin resigned as governor. Bottom line: She was just overwhelmed by the pressure, the critics, and the tasks of office.
I came away thinking, "if you can't stand the heat in Alaska...."
I came away thinking, "if you can't stand the heat in Alaska...."
I actually think that is a pretty fair assessment. She was out of her depth so she did the right thing. But I don't suppose she'll ever say it quite like that.
Anonymous, at 8:30 AM
It was a hit piece.
Analysis of writers and sources here.
Lisa Graas, at 8:44 AM
I read your blog. It seems you're saying it became impossible for her to fulfill her oath to the constitution. I don't want to get into a big argument but I find that a pretty flimsy excuse.
Anonymous, at 11:24 AM
Anon 1, I kinda agree. All of the factors they mention were in play.
In the end, I think she quit because it was just too hard and wasn't fun anymore. Her presidential hopes were battered and probably hopeless, and she was more interested in being being governor than actually doing the work of the governor.
Lisa, yeah. I'm sure it was....
She is spotless....
Anon 2. I don't think I said that all.
As far as I know, there was nothing to preclude her serving out her term. She just would have had to work hard to rebuild the relationships she burned in he move to the national stage.
I really believe that she just didn't like the job anymore. It was hard and wasn't fun.
She quit.
mikevotes, at 11:38 AM
Sorry. Anon 1 & 2 here. I was replying to Lisa.
Anonymous, at 11:46 AM
Gotcha. That was my first guess, but I wasn't really sure, so I went with two responses (which were pretty much the same.)
I never know on the Anon comments, and I hate to lump someone into someone else's opinions if I'm not sure.
mikevotes, at 12:15 PM
There are some people who are driven by their own sense of importance. A sense of specialness. This sense of specialness is fed by a circle of edifying and loyal supporters... Fawning Heathers, if you will. Any detractors who rise too high will be dealt with. Any aides offering discordant advise will be ignored.
Theses people are naturally manipulative -- either through passive-aggression, flattery or intimidation. They're used to getting their way.
It isn't that these people lack ambition. It's just that what these people seek is to be treated special... They're driven more by ego and praise than by any particular issue. To a large degree, the issue is merely a conduit through which these folks receive the ego rush they need. That's somewhat unfair. I'm not saying an issue is totally irrelevant to them -- they're not lying about their feelings on a certain issue -- it's just not the priority motivator. What is the priority is the elevation of specialness and privilege, along with praise and ego-stroking.
When the going gets tough, these folks usually quit. Or rather, there seek a different route to fill their emotional need for praise. To them this isn't quitting, because the goal has never been to succeed at passing legislation, or cutting taxes, or fighting corruption. It's been about receiving praise and adulation for passing legislation, or cutting taxes, or fighting corruption.
I think Palin is a Heather. She seeks the path of least resistance to maximize here emotional need for "specialness."
...but I could be wrong.
-epm, at 1:03 PM
MAssive diagnosis there. I'm not willing to go that far.
To me, the bottom line is that she wanted to be "the governor," not actually be the governor.
mikevotes, at 2:45 PM
As a blog commentator, I reserve the right to make deep and penetrating judgments based on the most superficial of evidence and interpreted with no further expertise than that of my gut. :)
I am no better that the Gut Believers against whom I rail. Except that I'm right and they're wrong. :)
-epm, at 3:46 PM
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