Always nice to see my state's shame booed by his base......
Two bits on this one...
First, of course I'm going to take some joy at Sen. Cornyn (and Gov. Perry) being booed by the Tea Party base.
Second, notice that the Tea Party rallies, even the local ones, are still being underwritten and organized by a big money think tank.
U.S. Sen. John Cornyn drew boos from a crowd outside the Texas Capitol this afternoon as he spoke at a “tea party” rally organized by the Texas office of Americans for Prosperity....
“You’re the problem,” a crowd member hollered.
First, of course I'm going to take some joy at Sen. Cornyn (and Gov. Perry) being booed by the Tea Party base.
Second, notice that the Tea Party rallies, even the local ones, are still being underwritten and organized by a big money think tank.
Are these tea parties becoming a gathering place for white, nativist anarchists? I don't what to say "white supremacist" in the traditional sense... They seem to have created a American Revolution mythology -- a revisionist interpretation of the founding principles behind America. A sort of "patriotic" fundamentalism based on a self-justifying mythology.
There's almost an anti-America vibe I'm getting from these folks. They seem to hate everything about this country, including the concept of democracy.
Underwritten by big money agenda groups or not, a wildfire is hard to control.
I really don't know what to make of these.... I'm just tossing out some thoughts.
-epm, at 10:31 AM
I haven't watched that closely, but from what I've seen, the little racist kinda stuff I've seen at these pales to the stuff that was going on at the McCain Palin rallies.
I think these things are largely anti-Democrat, and anarchic mainly because they're against the party in power.
And, I wouldn't really worry about this "movement." The July 4th turnout at these things was horrible. It's dying as things stand now, but if we get a new round of "outrage" they may become a focal point again.
mikevotes, at 1:03 PM
No. I know what you're saying, with regard to the McCain/Palin rallies. But these Tea Party® participants seem to be a distillation of those rallies into a more concentrated -- or boldly outspoken -- core.
These are people with unfocused raged, but whose rage can be focused by outside agents like Fox News, for example. After all, these are not free thinkers, but Ditto-head like followers.
I wonder what affect a "martyred" Sarah Palin would have on these people if she were to actively try to rally them? No, I'm not worried about a revolution... I'm just wondering. This is, after all, the party who loves to wrap themselves of in victim-hood. They love a martyr.
-epm, at 1:59 PM
Yeah, I getcha. These are Limbaugh listeners.
I just wanted to make sure to draw a distinction that I hadn't seen any racism at these rallies. (although every single picture was 100% white faces.)
mikevotes, at 5:01 PM
I agree. That's why I qualified my white nativist as not really being white supremacist in the traditional sense. Though there have been some anti-Muslim/birther overtones.
These folks seem to be more angry at a perception that anyone not of their way of thinking is fascist/socialist/nazi... or worst: European! I dunno...
-epm, at 6:46 PM
Well, it's how trhey're reacting to being in the minority.
mikevotes, at 9:29 PM
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