I hate the game
A front page NYTimes story (and WaPo) says Obama sent "a secret" letter to Russian PM Medvedev offered to suspend the missile defense stations in Eastern Europe for Russia ending Iran's nuclear threat.
But as always, I'm as intrigued by the "leak."
Or the WaPo version, with a less "exclusive" explanation.
This is garbage. The NYTimes and WaPo print this story as if it's some great scoop, but really, it's an Obama administration official using them for diplomacy, to force an answer out of the Russians by Friday.
It's collusion to propagate official message.
(PS. I think the Obama folks want to give up the missile defense stations anyway and are just trying to get as much as they can for them.)
But as always, I'm as intrigued by the "leak."
The officials who described the contents of the message requested anonymity because it has not been made public. While they said it did not offer a direct quid pro quo, the letter was intended to give Moscow an incentive to join the United States in a common front against Iran.....
Moscow has not responded, but a Russian official said Monday that Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov would have something to say on missile defense to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton when they meet Friday in Geneva.
Or the WaPo version, with a less "exclusive" explanation.
....senior administration officials said last night.
This is garbage. The NYTimes and WaPo print this story as if it's some great scoop, but really, it's an Obama administration official using them for diplomacy, to force an answer out of the Russians by Friday.
It's collusion to propagate official message.
(PS. I think the Obama folks want to give up the missile defense stations anyway and are just trying to get as much as they can for them.)
For me, the interesting thing about this story was that Russia and the US are perpetuating the obvious fiction that the European missile defence system is about protecting them from Iran.
It's always been about "containing" Russia, and Russia has always said so. The Poles, in fact, stipulated as part of the deal to base the system that the US is required to defend Poland from invasion. Who imagines that Iran will invade Poland?
Todd Dugdale , at 8:30 AM
Good point. But both sides have incentive to maintain that fallacy.
Iran's a decent bogeyman, and neither side really wants the recognized hostility of the reality.
mikevotes, at 1:41 PM
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