"The party of Limbaugh" does seem to be working
Republicans now have themselves all tied up in knots by the Dem tactic of elevating Limbaugh. Today, we have top GOP figures Cantor and Steele wasting their time on this nonsense issue, and, of course, Limbaugh won't be able to help himself from extending this story another day.
(And the press is just lapping this up.)
No GOP message is escaping but chaos and disunity, while the Obama folks have a clean run.
Tactically, it's really quite beautiful.
Later: Limbaugh responds to Steele. Excerpts here and here.
(And the press is just lapping this up.)
No GOP message is escaping but chaos and disunity, while the Obama folks have a clean run.
Tactically, it's really quite beautiful.
Later: Limbaugh responds to Steele. Excerpts here and here.
Limbaugh verbally spanks the head of the RNC...Steele kisses Limbaugh's ring with a pathetic apology...Oh God how I love it so.
The Republicans can't have it both ways. If they're going to back away from calling Limbaugh's rhetoric inflammatory and ugly, then they're going to have to defend Limbaugh's characterization of liberal thinking as a "deranged psychology," liberal policies as "evil," liberals themselves as "deranged," and Americans who benefit from social safety nets as "losers" -- all words Limbaugh used in his speech to CPAC on Saturday.
Anonymous, at 8:38 PM
Abi, That's exactly the point of the strategy. Make them choose whether they're with Rush or against. Force a far right litmus test.
Make them own (or disown) their crazier elements.
Broaden the GOP gap in their time of identity struggle and crisis.
mikevotes, at 9:31 PM
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