Roland Burris loses chief of staff
Read this. The guy sent by Harry Reid to help Roland Burris become a real Senator resigned (presumably after checking with Reid.)
I haven't been watching too closely, but this tells me it's over.
I haven't been watching too closely, but this tells me it's over.
if Burris bows out now his collegues will make a good show of praising him for being magnanimus in a time of great turmoil and the "blame" will be layed at the feet of Rod Blagojevich. If he persists, he will be marginalized as a vain-glorious stooge.
Either way, he gets to inscribe "Senator" on his mosemleum ... his great monument to himself.
-epm, at 9:35 AM
I nhaven't watched this close enough to know how much is innuendo and how much is real.
If, after all the Blago stuff he's seen as having bought the seat, I doubt anyone will be that magnanimous. If he drops out at mere suspicion, they probably will be.
(And can you imagine uninscribing the shrine.)
mikevotes, at 2:00 PM
I think the issue here is not that he bought the seat, but that he ingratiated himself to Blago, entertained numerous requests from Blago reps to raise money for the gov, and then lied about it to the Illinois Senate and the US Senate and in an affidavit to the Illinois supreme court. These are facts, not suspicions. The suspicions are in wondering what else was lied about.
So it's not that he bought the seat by handing over cash, but that he falsely represented his appointment and the circumstances of his appointment while under oath. He is, in short, a fraud.
-epm, at 6:44 PM
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