"This is not Florida....." A judge slapping down a GOP lawyer who threatened to turn the Minnesota recount into a Florida "debacle."
"We're fucked." An employee for a NASCAR race team, on his sport's future. Twelve of 42 cars lack a sponsor for the Daytona 500.
"We're fucked." An employee for a NASCAR race team, on his sport's future. Twelve of 42 cars lack a sponsor for the Daytona 500.
These guys might want to take their complaint up with the Southern Rump politicians who are working to kill the American auto industry and its working class. Detroit is a HUGE sponsor of NASCAR.
Love NASCAR hate auto industry.... Weird.
Personal note: Now on day seven with no power or phone (internet). Day four on the generator, but I'm shutting it off at night to conserve fuel. We just bundle up more.
Had snow yesterday and a storm is forecast for Friday, thus slowing the recovery to normalcy.
Our school district is closed until after the first of the year.
I'm sure crews are working hard... elsewhere. The lack of visible progress in our rural hamlet, however, is starting to wear on everyone's nerves.
-epm, at 9:28 AM
But it's not just auto industry. Alot of that consumer crap, auto parts et al sponsor the lesser teams.
Good luck plugging through.
And, that's the way it was here, nothing visibly happening for quite awhile, then one day, with no notice, a fleet of electric company trucks showed up and we were up in a couple of hours.
(And the first few days of such a thing are always annoying, but kinda fun in a way as they're novel. Once you've woken up to no power for a couple of mornings, had instant coffee, cooked an irregular breakfast, the novelty wears off and it's just annoying..)
mikevotes, at 10:36 AM
I am really learning to conserve, sad how wastefull i have been without really knowing it.
Anonymous, at 12:13 AM
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