Pretty much summing it up....
Politico has a piece examining the candidates statements on the Russia/Georgia/Ossetia flareup.
(It should probably also be mentioned that McCain, as President of the IRI, was responsible for channeling money to Saakashvilli, helping fund his rise to power.)
Obama’s statement put him in line with the White House, the European Union, NATO and a series of European powers, while McCain’s initial statement — which he delivered in Iowa and ran on a blog on his Web site under the title “McCain Statement on Russian Invasion of Georgia” — put him more closely in line with the moral clarity and American exceptionalism projected by President Bush’s first term.
(It should probably also be mentioned that McCain, as President of the IRI, was responsible for channeling money to Saakashvilli, helping fund his rise to power.)
It fits in with McCain's dislike of Russian aggression/expansion expressed elsewhere.
realist, at 5:45 PM
That was in the first draft.
mikevotes, at 7:09 PM
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