So it's come to this.......
Two big name former Secretaries of State, James Baker and Warren Christopher, write a joint oped in the NYTimes asking Congress to repeal/modify the 1973 War Powers Resolution to, you know, put the power to declare war in the hands of Congress rather than the presidency.
It's really pretty historically and Constitutionally breathtaking that this is even written.
It's really pretty historically and Constitutionally breathtaking that this is even written.
The thing is, today's Republicans aren't interested in the Constitution. They don't even pretend to be anymore. So the chances of this sort of legislation happening anytime in the foreseeable future.....
I'm not holding my breath for Congress to act in the interest of the American people. But then, the American people get the Congress the voted for, so...
-epm, at 10:00 AM
That's true, but this isn't completely an issue of this administration, although as with many things, they took the small evil and made it huge. There's a recent history of Presidents leading us into wars without an explicit vote.
mikevotes, at 10:42 AM
I guess I was thinking in the broader context of constraining the "unary" executive; the abuse of the war powers resolution being just one example. While Republicans have historically supported a stronger rather than weaker executive, today's Republicans seem to be operating at a whole new level. They seem eager to support an emperor-like executive... at least when the executive is a greed-driven, anti-workingclass, warmonger.
-epm, at 11:21 AM
Yeah. They took everything that was a little broken and stressed it.
(And imagine that, when you do away with the checks and balances in the system, stuff breaks. Who knew? Right?
answer: the founding fathers.)
mikevotes, at 3:40 PM
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