McCain rewrites history. The surge even affected events 6 months before it was decided on. (Updated)
I'm not sure this is the breathless story that some on the left are painting it, but it is pretty notable that in the McCain interview with CBS that he credited the Sunni "awakening" to the surge even though it clearly began 6 months before. (Olberman report, Democracy Arsenal, DailyKos diarist)
Maybe this is truly a historical mistake and a true misunderstanding, but I think it's as interesting as a political mistake. McCain under intense political pressure over the shifts in Iraq politics is floundering about, trying to claim all credit for "the surge."
"The surge" is really the only thing he has left to run on. He has no other "popular" policies to run on.
The press has widely accepted McCain's claim of entire self credit for "the surge." McCain presents it as if the whole thing was all his product, when really he was just an outspoken Senator in support. Yes he was loudly for it, but, really, he was just a small part in getting it done.
Later: CNN actually picked up the gaffe story. Also AP.
Check out the very ugly, blunt response from Tucker Bounds, McCain campaign spokesman,
And, Mr. Townhall, Mr. "happy banterer with the press," has just canceled his one scheduled McCain press conference of the week.
But I thought he was whining about media coverage......
Maybe this is truly a historical mistake and a true misunderstanding, but I think it's as interesting as a political mistake. McCain under intense political pressure over the shifts in Iraq politics is floundering about, trying to claim all credit for "the surge."
"The surge" is really the only thing he has left to run on. He has no other "popular" policies to run on.
The press has widely accepted McCain's claim of entire self credit for "the surge." McCain presents it as if the whole thing was all his product, when really he was just an outspoken Senator in support. Yes he was loudly for it, but, really, he was just a small part in getting it done.
Later: CNN actually picked up the gaffe story. Also AP.
Check out the very ugly, blunt response from Tucker Bounds, McCain campaign spokesman,
"Democrats can debate whether the Awakening would have survived without the surge, or whether the Shiite militias would have unilaterally disarmed without US troops and our Iraqi allies disarming them by force, but that is a transparent effort to minimize the role of our commanders and our troops in defeating the enemy, because to credit them would be to disparage the judgment of Barack Obama and praise the leadership of John McCain," Bounds also said.
And, Mr. Townhall, Mr. "happy banterer with the press," has just canceled his one scheduled McCain press conference of the week.
But I thought he was whining about media coverage......
The press is letting McCain write history and make shit up with impunity. I don't know whether it's because they're lazy, stupid, or complicit.
I have to hope that the Obama campaign is filing this all away for future reference. Right now Obama is working to establish his own bona fides and frankly going fairly easy on attacking McCain. My feeling is that after Labor Day -- after establishing his own credentials and credibility -- Obama goes after McCain's gaffes and fabrications. McCain simply isn't fit to be president. There will be blood. But Obama isn't one to use blunt instruments like the Republicans...
-epm, at 8:47 AM
I've been thinking about this all morning, and I think it's because it's easy. McCain is the pro-war candidate therefore anything pro-war is unquestioned.
(And stuff like this might be best let out at a debate, assuming that the election is close enough to warrant the confrontation.)
mikevotes, at 10:45 AM
Thiking about it a little more, I think you're right that the Obama camp should be pressing this, and apparently they are.
As I added as a Later, CNN has picked up the story after the Obama camp fed it to them.
mikevotes, at 10:49 AM
I want to believe the American voter is turned off by such blunt and thuggish comments as types coming from the McCain campaign. I fear however there is a sizable demographic that is charged up by such macho bluster -- more than they are by the facts of reality.
We'll see in Nov if Americans have matured as citizens.
-epm, at 11:33 AM
More thoughts ---
McCain seems to me more and more in negative react mode. He's beginning to remind me of Ross Perot. Nasty, shrill, and over obsessed with a single issue.
Is McCain diminishing his own candidacy by his tone and over the top reactions to Obama? Is he making himself look small by compaison?
-epm, at 1:12 PM
I dunno. America feels pretty tired of thuggish. I think the voters in the middle are still susceptible to patriotism and jingoism, but I think the days of blunt force are over. They feel bruised.
For your second point, yeah, I'm feeling that too. He's obsessed with the single issue because that's the only issue where polls anything close.
And with this current turn against him, is it any surprise that they're turning shrill. It's panic, desperation, whatever you want to call it. They're the only ones who think they're completely right and they are getting shrill because they're frustrated that no one else sees it their way.
Campaign's frequently fall into an "everyone should think like we do" certainty that can come out ugly.
mikevotes, at 1:24 PM
I'm crossing my fingers and hoping to high heaven that no large, newsy disasters (natural, man-made, or allowed-to-happen) occur between now and Election Day...
r8r, at 4:11 PM
Add "election changing" to your description, because something could happen, but it would either have to be big, bungled, or resonant to impact.
mikevotes, at 7:03 PM
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