The McCain campaign gets dirty
The McCain campaign dropped this memo today,
FirstRead says this is about the Republican Oregon Senator, Gordon Smith, who ran an ad about how he and Obama had worked together.
"There has never been a time when Barack Obama has bucked the party line to lead on an issue of national importance…. He has never put his career on the line for a cause greater than himself.”
FirstRead says this is about the Republican Oregon Senator, Gordon Smith, who ran an ad about how he and Obama had worked together.
You mean like his opposition to invading Iraq, or his bi-partisan work on ethics reform (that ruffled a few feathers). Not to mention the "audacity" of his fighting Hillary-freakin'-Clinton for the Democratic nomination.
The charge is equivocal anyway. For whenever Obama bucked the system they'll say the issue wasn't "of national importance."
Still, I suppose it's true that Obama isn't the surly, self righteous, condescending "maverick" in the McCain sense. Obama is more a consensus builder than a stone thrower. But, yes, I think he's more likely to go with the majority on big issues. His changing stance on FISA legislation (and his weak arguments for that change) show him to be more of a triangulater than I had hoped.
-epm, at 10:05 AM
Right. And it has the nasty "he didn't serve in the military" undertone, too.
As for triangulator, yeah, but you also have to remember where he is politically right now. He's in his first month of trying to reach into the broader electorate. There's probably no other time that he will be more triangulating.
mikevotes, at 10:51 AM
I mention the "triagulation" not so much as a put-down, but as a reminder that Obama is, after all, a politician. I don't believe he's a cynical politician, nor do I think he's a "do and say anything to win" type (a la McCain), still...
-epm, at 2:56 PM
Oh yeah.
mikevotes, at 4:09 PM
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