Political bits
The Harold Ickes interview at TPM is getting alot of attention. (He said that they're trying to use Rev. Wright with the superdelegates, and that Clinton would continue to the convention and force the rift even if she was behind by every measure (including Fla and Michigan.))
(TPM) I really am of the opinion that Clinton telling states that Obama wants to disenfranchise them unnecessarily poisons those voters against Obama. (Let the Obama folks clean up her mess....)
(Politico) A Clinton superdelegate says, "I will be stunned if he's (Obama's) not the next president of the United States."
(WSJ) Clinton slipping on trust.
(TPM) I really am of the opinion that Clinton telling states that Obama wants to disenfranchise them unnecessarily poisons those voters against Obama. (Let the Obama folks clean up her mess....)
(Politico) A Clinton superdelegate says, "I will be stunned if he's (Obama's) not the next president of the United States."
(WSJ) Clinton slipping on trust.
Politically, the Clinton's and their cadre are merely Bush/Rove/Cheney wrapped in a different colored paper. They share identical views on politics, though they differ in policy.
There are a lot of things I like to see us do as a country... The thing is, with the Clinton's, I kinda feel like that guy in the Godfather who goes to Don Corleone for a favor...
-epm, at 8:12 PM
That's the "different kind of politics" argument.
But it does have to be said that that kind of politics has won the last 4 elections.
Not saying it will this year or it won't, but that sort of demographic splicing does have a history of working.
mikevotes, at 9:18 PM
"But it does have to be said that that kind of politics has won the last 4 elections."
Right. But my argument is with the old school politics, even if the "good guys" win, we still have the devil of political brutalness as a not-so-silent partner. (Harold Ickes, Lanny Davis, the lead pipe wielding toughs of the DLC and the other usual suspects.) It's like swapping the Crips for the Bloods... politically speaking, and with a dose of hyperbole.
-epm, at 9:42 AM
Very true.
That's sort of precise politics has also led to the strict divisions and partisanship.
Look at how getting some moderate Dems in some new districts has already changed the shape of the Congress.
mikevotes, at 1:56 PM
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