Political bits
(AFP) "Obama tries to wrest Clinton's blue-collar base in Pennsylvania."
(WaPo) Howard Kurtz looks at the calls for Clinton to quit.
(HuffPo) Mike Lux describes superdelegates who want to back Obama but "who are scared to publicly support Obama because of the Clintons' well-known penchant for vengeance."
(NYTimes) Clinton in describing the Dodd/Leahy calls for her to step out, "In a conversation with two Democratic allies, she compared the situation to the “big boys” trying to bully a woman." (Poor little Hillary Clinton being bullied?)
(NYTimes) Pa Gov. Ed Rendell goes race again, “Just flip it for a second,” Mr. Rendell said. “Let’s say Senator Clinton was ahead by about 110 delegates and ahead by less than 1 percent of the vote cast, and she and her supporters started to call on Senator Obama to get out. Just picture what the media would be saying. They’d be saying you’re being racist, you’re being everything in the world. It’s nuts! It’s nuts!”
Slate has begun a Hillary Deathwatch page.
And, On Olbermann last night, Jonathan Alter was pressing a some rumor that a group of Clinton backers are talking about trying to work her into the NY Governor's office as a fallback/way for her to exit with grace/way for her to position for 2012. (Smells like garbage to me. I haven't seen it anywhere else.)
(WaPo) Howard Kurtz looks at the calls for Clinton to quit.
(HuffPo) Mike Lux describes superdelegates who want to back Obama but "who are scared to publicly support Obama because of the Clintons' well-known penchant for vengeance."
(NYTimes) Clinton in describing the Dodd/Leahy calls for her to step out, "In a conversation with two Democratic allies, she compared the situation to the “big boys” trying to bully a woman." (Poor little Hillary Clinton being bullied?)
(NYTimes) Pa Gov. Ed Rendell goes race again, “Just flip it for a second,” Mr. Rendell said. “Let’s say Senator Clinton was ahead by about 110 delegates and ahead by less than 1 percent of the vote cast, and she and her supporters started to call on Senator Obama to get out. Just picture what the media would be saying. They’d be saying you’re being racist, you’re being everything in the world. It’s nuts! It’s nuts!”
Slate has begun a Hillary Deathwatch page.
And, On Olbermann last night, Jonathan Alter was pressing a some rumor that a group of Clinton backers are talking about trying to work her into the NY Governor's office as a fallback/way for her to exit with grace/way for her to position for 2012. (Smells like garbage to me. I haven't seen it anywhere else.)
At some point in time, before the convention, if Sen. Clinton has any semblance of rationality, she will realize her chances are slim and bow out gracefully. The Bosnia claims (lies) are resonating strong right now, her numbers are slipping, there is no turnaround available except to exit.
Lew Scannon, at 10:25 AM
You know this whole "if you criticize Hillary it's because your a chauvinist pig" has been a bur in my saddle for a long time. I really think one of the main reasons she's doing as well as she is is because she's a woman.
I know, I know, Obama is getting some help from the African American community, but that's a much smaller portion of the population that women.
-epm, at 11:29 AM
Lew, the question is where. She wins Pa. I don't think she quits after a win. Maybe NC/Indiana?
EPM, I did once post some polling to back up that identity voting for Clinton did have more impact, but that's not really the difference in this race.
And, they really haven't played the sex card very much, or at least not enough I've noticed.
This one just struck me because the premise of Hillary Clinton being "bullied" is so preposterous to me. It's not like she's someone who gets pushed around.
mikevotes, at 2:09 PM
Even Obama says that Clinton should stay in the race as long as she and her supporters feel they should. I support Obama but I feel that the party is being damaged - NOT by Clinton staying in the race = but by the significant numbers of Democrats who refuse to vote for the other candidate. Like it or not, neither Clinton nor Obama can win the White House without the votes of their opponent's supporters.
Ptelea, at 8:27 PM
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