Adm. William Fallon resigns, suddenly
I'm assuming Adm. William Fallon is resigning over this dustup from a week ago, but it's still pretty sudden and surprising. (Also WaPo)
He's out a very quick March 31.
(Note that Fallon won't have to answer/participate when Petraeus presents his next "report" to Congress.)
He's out a very quick March 31.
(Note that Fallon won't have to answer/participate when Petraeus presents his next "report" to Congress.)
"Question: Is he leaving so quickly so he won't have to answer/participate when Petraeus presents his next "report" to Congress?"
Or so he can?
-epm, at 3:57 PM
Sorry, I rewrote that line.
But, no, I figure if anything, he's dodging comment. Everytime he's been presented as disagreeing, he issues statements to the contrary. He doesn't seem to want to fight in public.
mikevotes, at 4:04 PM
I think that, like many good soldiers, he's falling on his sword to protect the good name of the military.
But, in the presumably-upcoming Democratic administration, he'll still be available to help with the huge job of dismantling the Iraq-cupation.
Anonymous, at 6:43 AM
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