Picture of the Day
This was always my favorite Edwards picture. He is a truly passionate man.
He may not have been successful, but nobody on the trail fought harder or more earnestly for what they believed.
(John Edwards says goodbye to his wife Elizabeth as they leave the Jefferson-Jackson Democratic Party fundraising dinner in Columbia, South Carolina, in this file photo taken April 27, 2007.(Jim Young/Reuters))
This is the man...no... this is the couple I met in person in Peterborough, NH last year. Personally, he had me at hello, as they say.
I know how he comes off in the bigger venues, and even, sometimes, in the debates, but I don't think there was a phony bone in his body. He was -- in those larger public events -- at times dramatic, but not insincere.
I don't know what the Edwards' plans are, but I really think the country would benefit from his passion and vision with him in a high profile cabinet position in a Dem administration.
-epm, at 10:12 AM
Good man. Good Democrat.
I'll never forget seeing him on CSpan when they showed a small campaign stop. He's phenomenal in the small room (juries?) but I thought it never really converted to larger spaces.
mikevotes, at 10:25 AM
He'd make one fine VP, in my opinion. Or how about an Attorney General?
r8r, at 4:31 PM
Attorney General for Obama was a Novak rumor about a week ago.
I think that would be a great fit for him because he could be profile and still make a concrete difference.
mikevotes, at 4:43 PM
I hear someone suggest that Edwards would be a great Supreme Court nominee. I hadn't given that any thought. Not sure it would fly. People might say he was partisan. Of course, the Repubs wouldn't filibuster because we all not how they HATE the filibuster...
-epm, at 5:55 PM
Yeah. I would assume also his stint as a tort lawyer would raise some voices.
And, although it's not a requirement, he hasn't been a judge yet anywhere.
mikevotes, at 6:30 PM
I will probably still vote for him on Tuesday.
I wish I knew why his campaign never got off the ground. He seems to me to have the passion, sincerity, and eloquence that Hillary lacks; and the gravitas and experience that Obama lacks.
Is it just that Democrats are tired of voting for white men?
Anonymous, at 10:05 PM
OK, you may not like this, but I think he lacked a little weight in the bigger situations.
I've seen him numerous times in small rooms, and he's electric, but he just doesn't come across that well in the debates and large rallies.
I think it's something in his manner as shallow as that sounds.
I really like the guy, and I respect him because, as I said in the post, he worked harder than anyone else and, I think, cared more but he never dominated a debate, never had that big rally, and, frankly, although poverty is a very important issue, there's a reason virtually nobody runs on it in this country. It's just not a big vote getter. I don't kow why.
mikevotes, at 11:05 PM
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