Hamas vetoes mideast peace
Fairly quietly, the ill conceived nature of the current Bush mideast plan is coming unraveled. The whole idea of recognizing Fatah while ignoring Hamas was bound to failure as it was distant from the real distribution of power within the Palestinian territories.
During Bush's trip, Hamas has increased their missile fire from Gaza prompting Israeli response, airstrikes that are killing civilians.
It is impossible to believe that Fatah could negotiate anything under these circumstances. Any steps towards talks would lose them support from the Palestinian street.
No matter how hard the Bush administration tries to ignore them, Hamas is still there, and, although they're not involved in the talks, they still hold the power of derailment, a power which they're currently using.
(Bush's trip is not helping Olmert either. He lost a small hawkish faction of his government pushing him perilously close to a minority.)
During Bush's trip, Hamas has increased their missile fire from Gaza prompting Israeli response, airstrikes that are killing civilians.
It is impossible to believe that Fatah could negotiate anything under these circumstances. Any steps towards talks would lose them support from the Palestinian street.
No matter how hard the Bush administration tries to ignore them, Hamas is still there, and, although they're not involved in the talks, they still hold the power of derailment, a power which they're currently using.
(Bush's trip is not helping Olmert either. He lost a small hawkish faction of his government pushing him perilously close to a minority.)
I think the point is to portray Hamas as the spoilers. As long as they are seen that way in the West Olmert will have a free hand.
Anonymous, at 11:30 AM
That would make alot more sense that trying to claim this is a peace effort.
The secondary story is the effort to get the Saudis to replace Iran as the force backing the Palestinians. That's the backstory on the Fatah/Hamas contest for power.
mikevotes, at 1:42 PM
According to Olmert Israel has to decide...either a two-state land-for-peace deal or Israel annexes the West Bank and becomes an apartheid state. Short of wiping out all the Palestinians that looks like the choice.
Anonymous, at 1:57 PM
From your past comments, I think you follow this more closely than I do, but, pretty much since Ariel Sharon instigated the last intifada (2000?) with his visit to the Temple Mount, hasn't this pretty much been the Israeli policy what with the building of the wall, seizure of land, etc?
mikevotes, at 2:03 PM
Israel wants peace. But on Israeli terms. I suppose they think the Palestinians will just cave in if they keep squeezing. Or kill each other off.
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM
I just don't get the whole Israel/Palestine thing. I mean, I have a working knowledge of the history and the arguments and fears on both sides, but I just think this goes way beyond the political and deep into the psychological. Not to mention the disease of irrationality that comes from religious zealotry, fundamentalism, dogma... you name it.
-epm, at 3:57 PM
Sounds to me like you do get it -epm.
Anonymous, at 4:44 PM
Anon, the Israelis see themselves in the stronger position (look at the wall) so why not press?
mikevotes, at 5:52 PM
It seems to me that Olmert is to the Palestinians as Bush is to Congress... He can just do whatever he wants because there's no one to stop him.
-epm, at 7:12 PM
"...the Israelis see themselves in the stronger position (look at the wall) so why not press?"
Why not indeed? Kick them when they're down.
Anonymous, at 7:32 PM
EPM, I get your point, but it's not really the same level.
Anon, that's been the MO since Sharon.
mikevotes, at 9:11 PM
No. Of course not. I was being too glib, but you got my point.
-epm, at 10:00 PM
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