Picture of the Day - 5
Is that background subtle enough for you?
(Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani, left, expounds on his political platform of homeland vigilance and preparedness during a visit before Gov. Haley Barbour, right, students, faculty, supporters and local GOP leaders in Pearl, Miss., Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2007. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis))
Shameless, fearmongering self promoter. Also IMO the 9/11 bagman who'll be given the presidency.
nolocontendere, at 7:30 PM
It's weird, he's running sort of as the death candidate.
Perhaps it's because he's just one of many candidates, but the second half of his message (I can save you) isn't coming through as clearly as the first (we're all gonna die.)
mikevotes, at 9:15 PM
Perhaps it is possible to overplay the fear card?
Anonymous, at 9:20 PM
His current target audience, Republican primary voters love it, but I think it'll have less reach next summer,
mikevotes, at 10:11 PM
Rudy will be "elected" President in 2008.
The Presidency was promised to him as a reward for his cooperation in the Twin Towers conspiracy.
Anonymous, at 8:18 AM
I tend to believe that some small level cheating is taking place in the new electronic elections, but I don't believe they can cheat enough to make up big differences, and it's my belief sitting here now, that as Giuliani's life becomes more public, that gap will slip open to such a level that cheating really won't be an option.
I could well be wrong, but as his private life becomes more public coming into next summer as the lights are turned on him, I just believe people will discover sleaze that they can't look past.
mikevotes, at 8:25 AM
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