Really? Limiting child healthcare?
The White House really wants its only domestic agenda item this whole year to be limiting healthcare to children of families making $21,000 a year?
Of all the problems we face, the biggest worry is that poor kids are getting too much healthcare? That's the priority? That's the line in the sand?
Of all the problems we face, the biggest worry is that poor kids are getting too much healthcare? That's the priority? That's the line in the sand?
McClatchy reports the administration also supports the use of lead in children's toys, as trying to regulate such problems is too "costly."
Compassionate conservativsm at its finest.
Children - fuck 'em!
Profits - you bet!
Reality-Based Educator, at 10:12 AM
Exactly. Profits and Wealth are their God.
-epm, at 11:54 AM
Reality, I hadn't seen that yet.
It's always funny how it's too costly to search for nukes at the ports, but not too costly to fight in Iraq.
EPM, The rationale given is even creepier than greed. They're cutting these children off from healthcare because they don't want the precedent of a system that sort of works.
mikevotes, at 1:37 PM
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