The Right blows a gasket on immigration, and other "Political Bits"
OK, it was predictable, but I'm still finding it funny. The FreePi folks are calling for Bush's impeachment, and the righty big blogs are all damning McCain.
Other "Political bits:" It's no wonder McCain hates Giuliani. McCain owns a ferret.
And, Giuliani paid his current wife $125,000/year for "speechwriting help." (Honey, How does this sound?) He started paying her $10,000/month before they were married.
(Oh, and there's that mention again that Giuliani's first wife was also his second cousin.)
Later: McCain drops the F-bomb on my state's shame, Sen. John Cornyn. (And take a minute to scan down the comments for the McCain bashing.)
Other "Political bits:" It's no wonder McCain hates Giuliani. McCain owns a ferret.
And, Giuliani paid his current wife $125,000/year for "speechwriting help." (Honey, How does this sound?) He started paying her $10,000/month before they were married.
(Oh, and there's that mention again that Giuliani's first wife was also his second cousin.)
Later: McCain drops the F-bomb on my state's shame, Sen. John Cornyn. (And take a minute to scan down the comments for the McCain bashing.)
I tuned in to listen to Jim Bohannon on the radio last night and caught the last of Michael Reagan's show. The Republican faithful were taking the bark off of McCain and Bush for the Immigration Bill. It is about to get very ugly.
Anonymous, at 3:20 PM
I'm both not surprised that it's happening, and very surprised at the level.
I guess when your party belief is built on enemies, seeing someone "cave" to the mexicans is the equivalent of capitulating to Al Qaeda.
mikevotes, at 9:06 PM
You know, I guess we should all understand how this people think by now, but they always seem to amaze me.
They will accept the flimsiest reason to invade another country or surrender their own civil liberties but would condemn their own mother for showing any compassion.
It appears that they can turn on a dime or on any dame with equal vigor.
Anonymous, at 10:20 PM
Oh, I don't think this is so much about compassion, I think it's about an absolutist, black and white view of the world.
It's not issues or what's best for the country, it's some protestant/ Clint Eastwood version of good versus evil with a touch of Southern strategy bigotry thrown in.
But, at the same time, the protestant compnent also allows redemption and rebirth. You can be the biggest slimeball, but if you say the right things now....
(and I meant the characters Eastwood plays, not the man. He seems to me a very smart and subtle man.)
mikevotes, at 6:32 AM
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