Picture of the Day - 2
Hey, Joe, Lindsey Graham told me there's a killer bargain on rugs over at Shorja.
(In this image released by the US Army U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman pays an Iraqi vendor for a pair of sunglasses at a market in the New Baghdad neighborhood Wednesday, May 30, 2007. Lieberman toured the market for nearly an hour along with American and Iraqi soldiers.(AP Photo/Sgt. Curt Cashour, US Army, HO))
Is this Lieberman's Dukakis moment...?
-epm, at 10:11 AM
Attention shoppers, IED on aisle 6.
Dick Headley, at 10:18 AM
"Do you accept out of town checks?"
- J. Lieberman
-epm, at 10:20 AM
He looks like a teenager handing over a fake ID to buy his first 6-pack of beer. Everyone in the picture knows he's not supposed to be there, and they're waiting for him to crack.
Anonymous, at 11:02 AM
Y'all made me laugh.
EPM, Liberman's got 5 more years then a transition as the token Dem in one of the hawkish pro Israel think tanks.
mikevotes, at 11:06 AM
Great blog you've got here.
Didn't the last time a visiting politician came to Baghdad, on the next day 30 or so people were killed in the market by insurgents?
Russell, at 11:55 AM
Actually, they were rounded up otside the market and memory tells me it was 21, but yes.
The day after McCain and Graham's visit a whole bunch of the market's vendors were rounded up and killed.
It didn't make the press here, but there, they all knew.
mikevotes, at 2:03 PM
Which explains why the poor guy with the stall looks so worried.
Dick Headley, at 3:24 PM
funny though macabre thing is the observers have flack jackets and the Iraqi does not have one.
Unknown, at 3:54 PM
DH, He should be worried.
Charles, The caption also didn't include a list all of the US assets not in the picture.
This really is an unconscionable grandstanding that is putting Iraqi and US lives at risk.
What value does this trip to the market really have in a factfinding sense? All of these people are being gambled for a propaganda shot.
mikevotes, at 4:01 PM
But is this grandstanding going to advance Joe's credibility, or reveal him as the fool. Particularly after the thumping Graham and McCain took after their hilarious -- and nearly identical -- road trip earlier.
-epm, at 4:17 PM
Joe is handing the poor Iraqi a death certificate.
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM
EPM, Lieberman has nothing to lose at this point. His credibility among his party is already zero.
And, I don't think Lieberman will get the national pillory. McCain got that because of his presidential campaign and the comments before the trip about Petraeus in an unarmored humvee.
Anon, yeah. But the propaganda politics are more important than the Iraqi lives.
mikevotes, at 5:54 PM
Macabre, yes! To me the picture is plain surreal...jarring. All those flak jackets and helmets in contrast to a cotton shirt...an alien invasion?
Anonymous, at 12:05 AM
IS that "Marcia" Marcia that I know in real life?
mikevotes, at 6:59 AM
I think I'll try to address another elephant in the room. I think when you lie your ass off to get into a war, and then fight your war with lies like Lieberbush endorses then you find your self waging war against reality. We find ourselves at a disadvantage because our denials of reality deny us any real knowledge of the enemy we face. We have kept on with these lies to the point where our actions show that we even believe these lies. Eventually fighting a war with these reality-denying lies will get our ass kicked by reality.
Unknown, at 11:04 AM
As to -epm's comment, compared with McCain, Graham, Bush and Lieberman, Dukakis is looking more respectable in his tank photograph.
Anonymous, at 3:04 PM
So, all I have to do to get comments is put up a picture of Lieberman?
Davol, I haven't made that point in a while, but it's a good one.
If you don't see the battlefield for what it is, any strategy you construct will almost inexoribly fail.
Another site took the Lieberman in helmet picture and compared him to Arte Johnson. Remember Laugh In, "Veerryy Iiinteresting."
mikevotes, at 6:08 PM
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