Picture of the Day - 2
"Fred Dalton Thompson is planning to enter the presidential race over the Fourth of July holiday, announcing that week that he has already raised several million dollars and is being backed by insiders from the past three Republican administrations, Thompson advisers told The Politico."
(Actor and Former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., and his wife, Jeri, arrive for a party at the Macedonian Embassy in Washington following The White House Correspondents' Dinner on Saturday, April 29, 2006. (AP Photo/Kevin Wolf))
His wife! Jerry Lee would be proud...
-epm, at 11:46 AM
Yeah, that's kinda why I put this picture up.
mikevotes, at 1:45 PM
You know, I'm struck by what a pack of knuckle-dragging throwbacks the GOP presidential contenders are. Sure these May-December romances are not uncommon in Hollywood (Michael Douglas/Catherine Zeta Jones) but when taken as a pack, these guys really are the straight-white-male supremacist club. It's not just that they're all genetically straight, white and male; it's that they seem to have contempt for those who are not.
-epm, at 2:07 PM
Two things.
First, these do go both ways. Dodd married some young thing who worked in the Senate with him, and Kucinich has that hot young British redhead wife.
Second, although there was a whole lot wrong with Don Rumsfeld, I have to say, I remember seeing pictures of he and his wife at the big functions.
Everybody around was glamorous with their trophy wives and arm candy, and there was Don Rumsfeld with his wife of god knows how many years, and it was obvious they really cared about each other.
Yeah, he was very arguably a war criminal, but that's something that always stood out in my mind.
mikevotes, at 2:39 PM
Yeah, I know these old-guy-young-babe things swing both ways. Not to beat a dead horse, but Dodd's wife is 46 and Studly Thompson's wife is 35... and Thompson is two senior to Dodd. So, Jackie Clegg (Ms. Dodd) could have been Thompson's wife's baby sitter. And Dodd didn't divorce his first wife after 26 years of marriage.... Jackie is his first.
God! I sound like the gossip shows I rail against!
Anyway, my main point (aside from trophy wives) is that the GOP field really doesn't like people outside their own demographic. And they express it in no uncertain terms.
-epm, at 6:39 PM
True, and there's the rumors of Thompson's swinging days between wives with a few interesting names sprinkled in.
BUT, don't leave out Kucinich. Have you seen his hot, frighteningly young wife?
mikevotes, at 9:21 PM
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