Who wants to keep Gingrich out of '08?
Okay, big ironic revelation: Newt Gingrich was having an affair at the same time he was trying to impeach Clinton.
Leaving all that aside, look how this came out in response to a direct question from James Dobson.
My question is, who gave Dobson the info? Or, who was Dobson trying to benefit by highlighting Gingrich's affair which is bound to make big headlines?
Sounds like Romney to me. Gingrich and Romney would target the same "moral values" supporters who would not like an affair.
(Another theory: This is part of Gingrich "testing the waters.")
Leaving all that aside, look how this came out in response to a direct question from James Dobson.
My question is, who gave Dobson the info? Or, who was Dobson trying to benefit by highlighting Gingrich's affair which is bound to make big headlines?
Sounds like Romney to me. Gingrich and Romney would target the same "moral values" supporters who would not like an affair.
(Another theory: This is part of Gingrich "testing the waters.")
But Dobson has all but said it'll be a cold day in Hell before he'd ever support an heretical infidel MORMAN. Ewwww... that's right up there with being gay, or defending the poor in Dobsons small, cold universe.
Romney or Rudy, or anyone in the "ethics? we don't need no stinking ethics!" party could have dropped a dime. But Focus on the Family and their ilk have their own, in-house, bottom feeding character assassination squads. Hell, where do you think these candidates get their oppositional dirty little secrets from?
-epm, at 8:34 AM
I didn't know that about Dobson refusing Romney.
So, if he's not Romney, Rudy, or McCain, is this just an isolated gratuitous attack to keep Gingrich out?
It was within his choice to do a puff piece interview, but he brought this in. Keep Gingrich out or a chance for Gingrich to publicly express his religious apology?
What do you see?
mikevotes, at 8:45 AM
I misspoke... sorry.
Dobson is aggressively anti-McCain not Romney. Other factions within the Christianist community have turned their noses up to Romney over sectarian issues, but Dobson remains coolly uncommitted. So the dirt could have been shoveled by team Romney.
I apologize for being too quick.
-epm, at 9:33 AM
That was my understanding, that at the very least, Dobson is tepidly Romney, mainly because Romney is claiming to support his issues.
mikevotes, at 11:38 AM
I'm looking at the polling info on Pollster.com and I'm intrigued with the numbers. Romney polling at <10% and Huckabee in single digit irrelevance. These are the guys I'd see as being the heros of the Christianists. Romney's Mormanism not withstanding, he's a "religious" candidate supporting social conservatism. Romney's "moderate" views were all talk. When it came time to walking the walk, Romney advocated legislation that was restrictive and bigoted. Huckabee, of course, is an ordained evangelical minister.
My point is, I'm beginning to wonder how relevant the Christianists will be in shaping the political landscape at the ballot box. Have they peaked? Has their influence become like a social fad that's outlived it's cachet?
Will the Republican party be controlled more the bucks and bigots now? And will the bigotry the Repub hopefuls now bank on turn out to be a skunk-like stink that offends the general electorate and that they won't be able to wash off?
Questions, questions, questions... And don't get me started with my confusion over the Democratic field!
-epm, at 12:00 PM
Somewhat separate, I keep wondering why Romney is listed as "one of three" when he is polling below 10%, while Edwards polling at twelve is left out of the 2 candidate Dem field.
Edwards is raising money. He's doing everything, but he's been eliminated by the media.
While Romney <10% is a contender getting national coverage.
mikevotes, at 12:07 PM
If Romney was and Episcopalian, he'd be ignored. Like it or not, being a Mormon makes him a media/pundit curiosity; an alien a restricted club. That alone is enough to draw attention.
-epm, at 12:17 PM
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