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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Thursday, March 22, 2007


(JuanCole) Some 200 Sunni Arab guerrillas in Muqdadiya (Diyala Province) stormed a jail and freed 33 prisoners. (His link is dead, but I trust him.)

(AP) In Basra, a curfew is declared after local Fadhila police arrest a Madhi leader and fighting ensues. (Fadhila recently split from Maliki's government which Mahdi supports.)

(AP) Iraqi government negotiations with Sunni insurgents break down again on the requirement of a US withdrawal timetable.

(BBC) Not only did Maliki free a senior Sadr aide from two years of US custody, but he met with him for handshakes and statements.

(AP) More reports of Mahdi splintering. (Some Mahdi officials also claim that Iran is training and arming the violent splinter groups.)

(AFP) "Reports of sexual assaults involving members of the US military increased by 24 percent in 2006 over the previous year, the Pentagon reported Wednesday."

And, I don't know if you've noticed, but alot of the pictures recently have been from Kirkuk. Two reasons for this: 1) As the Independent points out, Kirkuk is definitely heating up, but 2) at the same time, it's still safe enough for reporters to walk around unlike, Baquba, Anbar, Baghdad.

In "the other war," the swap of 5 Taleban prisoners for an Italian journalist has been pretty much confirmed. (AP, NYTimes)


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