Dick Cheney is a lying sonofabitch
Dick Cheney once again today claimed that any discussion that contradicts the Bush "plan" for Iraq is a validation of Al Qaeda's strategy.
Listen, Dick, here's Al Qaeda's strategy.
Al Qaeda's strategy was to sucker the all powerful United States into an occupation/guerilla war which it could never win. Their sole intention was to draw the US into the exact same type of conflict that broke the Russians in Afghanistan and in the process increase their influence and image.
And you fell right into it, you stupid son of a bitch. You chose to fight the battle of Al Qaeda's chosing and we have been behind ever since.
After 9-11, the majority of the world, even the majority of the Muslim world stood with the United States. We had friends, we had influence, we had assistance, and the moral right, but you decided to take advantage of the American trauma to launch your war of choice in Iraq, and in the process you wasted all of that goodwill, all of that willingness towards America.
You followed this up by implementing policies of torture and rendition, the "disappearing" of Muslims around the world. In America Muslims were required to register themselves and you brought into the White House people who spoke of a "war of civilizations" and the nobility of the crusades.
And from the invasion, the torture, the destruction of Fallujah, and the embracing of near racist hate mongers, you have turned the Muslim world against us.
According to your own intel services, Al Qaeda is thriving in its recruitment. Terror attacks are up across the globe. Your choices have elevated Al Qaeda and its leadership from a dangerous and violent fringe group into a very real broad movement.
That was the Al Qaeda strategy, to use the United States as a unifying enemy through which they could reach across the entire Muslim world.
And you fell right into it.
You chose all of this. You brought us here.
So, don't lecture me about what's right and what's best. You have made mistake after mistake, and told lie after lie. We are here because of you.
So shut the fuck up.
(Later: Sorry for the rant. I try very hard, but sometimes it comes out. On the plus side, it appears I am not alone in my opinion.
Let's remember, this only one-third to one-half politely applauding was at the AIPAC policy conference.)
Listen, Dick, here's Al Qaeda's strategy.
Al Qaeda's strategy was to sucker the all powerful United States into an occupation/guerilla war which it could never win. Their sole intention was to draw the US into the exact same type of conflict that broke the Russians in Afghanistan and in the process increase their influence and image.
And you fell right into it, you stupid son of a bitch. You chose to fight the battle of Al Qaeda's chosing and we have been behind ever since.
After 9-11, the majority of the world, even the majority of the Muslim world stood with the United States. We had friends, we had influence, we had assistance, and the moral right, but you decided to take advantage of the American trauma to launch your war of choice in Iraq, and in the process you wasted all of that goodwill, all of that willingness towards America.
You followed this up by implementing policies of torture and rendition, the "disappearing" of Muslims around the world. In America Muslims were required to register themselves and you brought into the White House people who spoke of a "war of civilizations" and the nobility of the crusades.
And from the invasion, the torture, the destruction of Fallujah, and the embracing of near racist hate mongers, you have turned the Muslim world against us.
According to your own intel services, Al Qaeda is thriving in its recruitment. Terror attacks are up across the globe. Your choices have elevated Al Qaeda and its leadership from a dangerous and violent fringe group into a very real broad movement.
That was the Al Qaeda strategy, to use the United States as a unifying enemy through which they could reach across the entire Muslim world.
And you fell right into it.
You chose all of this. You brought us here.
So, don't lecture me about what's right and what's best. You have made mistake after mistake, and told lie after lie. We are here because of you.
So shut the fuck up.
(Later: Sorry for the rant. I try very hard, but sometimes it comes out. On the plus side, it appears I am not alone in my opinion.
JTA reports his message, adding, "His message was not received enthusiastically: Only about one-third to one-half of the audience in the cavernous Washington Convention Center hall applauded politely."
Let's remember, this only one-third to one-half politely applauding was at the AIPAC policy conference.)
Well said, but Dick has his fingers in his ears. Brave Americans die, while he spews his ideological crap.
Unknown, at 7:07 PM
Bravo. What terrifies me is the rapidity with which internal strife has grown at the hands of these people. After all, it's not been that many years since we were atop that triumphant "Crest" of our empire. Seems we're ahead of schedule...
Anonymous, at 7:50 PM
Rant some more. You were dead-on right.
Reality-Based Educator, at 8:06 PM
Thanks, everybody.
I'm always a little afraid of the rant because it is necessarily a selfish form and when I'm in the middle of one, I never know if it's of interest to anybody else or if I'm just spewing craziness. (or both.)
mikevotes, at 8:55 PM
Bravo. This should be a letter to the editor of every major US paper. (With appropriate, family friendly changes to vocabulary, of course.)
Let me know if you need help with the postage...
-epm, at 9:12 PM
That's the other reason I don't rant.
I don't like to use that language, but once I get going, it comes out.
mikevotes, at 9:17 PM
Very nice rant. It has to been done once in a while.
Praguetwin, at 10:08 AM
It's either let the valve go, or vessel will blow.
mikevotes, at 10:21 AM
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