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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Maliki's "security push" is a dressed up civil war

A little more on Maliki's "security push" that appears to be targeting only Sunnis.

(Reuters) The Iraqi government will be moving about 3,600 Iraqi troops into Baghdad. 2,400 from the Kurdish north and 1,200 from the Shia south.

(AP) "Al-Suneid (a key aid and member of al-Maliki's Dawa Party) said the new drive to free Baghdad from the grip of sectarian violence would focus initially on Sunni insurgent strongholds in western Baghdad."

(WaPo) "Maliki believes that if the additional troops can effect a decrease in violence over the next two months, then he can negotiate more effectively with Shiite militia leaders in the city and improve his chances of disarming them, his aides said."

So, the reality is that the Shia dominated government is using Shia and Kurdish forces to target Sunnis while the Shia militias are left untouched effectively gifting the capitol to the Shia militias.

Stepping back, I can't help but wonder whether the Sunni regional players, Saudi, Syria, Egypt, are more concerned with protecting the Sunni population or with preventing Shia domination of Iraq. If it's the latter, Maliki will never push the Sunnis out of Baghdad and this war will continually go on.


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