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Born at the Crest of the Empire

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Cassandra on Somalia

I looked back in the blog, and I've been talking about the coming war in Somalia and the regional implications for almost 9 months. Now, it's here.
Ethiopia officially plunged into war with Somalia’s Islamist forces on Sunday, bombing targets inside Somalia and pushing ground troops deep into Somali territory in a major escalation that could turn Somalia’s internal crisis into a violent religious conflict that engulfs the entire Horn of Africa.

Airstrikes and heavy fighting across much of the country. There are reports that the Eritreans have poured several thousand troops in, and Islamists are arriving from around the region.

"Ethiopia’s military is trained by American advisers and is supplied with millions of dollars of American aid."

(AP) Ethiopia declares war on Somali militia

Later: (AP) The Ethiopians bomb Mogadishu airport and make gains on the ground.


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