Where's Condi Rice?
There have been many people who have been disappeared for political reasons this election cycle by both sides (seen Ted Kennedy lately?), but where is Condi Rice?
She made that high visibility tour through East Asia regarding North Korea recently, but has since that trip has more or less disappeared. The MAJOR announcement that North Korea was returning to the six party talks, was made by Chris Hill, and the current Iraq/Afghanistan push is being handled by Hadley.
I find it weird that with this election just next week, the most popular administration official is not out in front of the cameras
Do the Republicans not want the reminder of "diplomacy" or N. Korea or Iran on the campaign trail? Distancing her from the loss?
(Another surprising absence from my media world is Pat Robertson. Other notable entries? Pelosi? Dean?)
She made that high visibility tour through East Asia regarding North Korea recently, but has since that trip has more or less disappeared. The MAJOR announcement that North Korea was returning to the six party talks, was made by Chris Hill, and the current Iraq/Afghanistan push is being handled by Hadley.
I find it weird that with this election just next week, the most popular administration official is not out in front of the cameras
Do the Republicans not want the reminder of "diplomacy" or N. Korea or Iran on the campaign trail? Distancing her from the loss?
(Another surprising absence from my media world is Pat Robertson. Other notable entries? Pelosi? Dean?)
I had been speculating that Rice was positioning herself, out of sight, for a run for the top job :)
Cartledge, at 1:31 PM
I'd fully buy that. In which case she would be kept away from the possible electoral bloodbath that may be coming.
But really, I don't think she could win. She doesn't do fiery at all, is very easily flustered and shows it, and tends to convey a lightweight image on stage.
(Not to mention the fact that she has been significantly wrong on almost every major decision she has agreed to.)
mikevotes, at 1:35 PM
MIA Dems: Biden, Schumer, Conyers (?), Russ Feingold...
-epm, at 1:38 PM
Biden's been on Hardball, Imus and Wolf's show on sunday. Schumer appeared alongside Liddie Dole on the CBS Sunday show w/ Schieffer. Dean also did an appearance on a Sunday show w/ his GOP counterpart, Kenny Boy. They've all pretty much kept to script, however. I guess they just don't want to piss Rahm off! I haven't seen Conyers or Feingold though.
For the most part, Dems have been pretty good this year w/ the message discipline - all except HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED SO WE MAY CONTINUE TO ENJOY FRESH NEWS CYCLES.
Reality-Based Educator, at 2:33 PM
They may be holding Condi back for her to run in 2008. If she was around a lot, then she'd risk losing lustre (as if she has any) with a GOP defeat.
Bravo 2-1, at 2:46 PM
EPM, I thought about adding Biden. He has been on TV, but not nearly as much as normal.
And, Dean, for the head of a party has appeared, but not with the frequency you would expect.
Obviously, they simply don't want to offer targets, but it does seem extreme to me.
Reality Based, "HE WHO SHALL NOT BE NAMED." Hah!
Copy, that's the best political explanation I have. In theory, they could also be holding her back because being too political could interfere with her job, but I doubt that's it.
mikevotes, at 4:46 PM
Regarding my "MIA Dems" list... guess I'm less plugged in than I thought. Oh, well.
-epm, at 10:45 AM
Well, none of the are really MIA, they're just keeping a low media profile which means that you're not likely to have seen their appearances, you know? I don't think it's plugged in, I think it's just happening across them the few times they're on.
And, almost all of them have been pushed forward briefly for certain issues. Dean, for example, stepped up for a day during the Kerry thing, and has now dropped back into the woodwork.
mikevotes, at 3:46 PM
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