Political bits
"Moderate" Republican Chris Shays reaches back to Chappaquiddick to defend Hastert, "I know the speaker didn't go over a bridge and leave a young person in the water, and then have a press conference the next day," .... "Dennis Hastert didn't kill anybody," he added.
ABCNews is reporting a second visit by Mark Foley to the page dorm.
(CNN) President Bush meets with the Southern Baptist Convention Leadership in the Oval Office today at 1 pm ET. (Think he's worried about the base?)
Was the press conference the fiasco it appeared?
ABCNews is reporting a second visit by Mark Foley to the page dorm.
(CNN) President Bush meets with the Southern Baptist Convention Leadership in the Oval Office today at 1 pm ET. (Think he's worried about the base?)
Was the press conference the fiasco it appeared?
Bush sounded like the fool he is. It was an embarrassing display that could be summed up as "we know the stakes, cut and run, tax and spend Democrats, great economy, tax cuts create jobs" in a continuous loop. The highlight was his serial comments on reporters' clothing.
The worst moment, for me, was when he was questioned about the new report on Iraqi deaths. He questioned its credibility, then enthused about how "amazing" it is that the Iraqis want freedom so badly they're willing to "tolerate" the current level of violence. No reporter asked him whether or not they have any choice in the matter.
Motherlode, at 12:47 PM
Shays is a moron
Graeme, at 1:03 PM
Yeah, I caught that, too. Bolten's strategy since he took over has been to hold a press conference whenever Bush gets in trouble. Up to now, it's worked.
But I don't think we're still at a point where it's a question of language or framing. We're at a point now where everybody knows the wheels have come off, and Bush being "resolute" just makes it seem worse.
Graeme, I don't know Shays all that well, but obviously by the violent response, his wobbly seat is threatened by any mention of Foley.
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