Picture of the Day
Did you ever have a stupid boss?
You know, the one where you just keep wondering how in the hell he got his job. Then you get stuck on a trip with him, you're tired, and he just won't shut up.
And the whole time he's talking, all you're thinking is, "Please don't say something stupid. Please don't say something stupid."
Later: Was I about four hours ahead of my time or what?
President Bush, not realizing his remarks were being picked up by a microphone, bluntly expressed his frustration with the actions of Hezbollah, a militant Islamic group believed backed by Iran and Syria that is engaged in escalating warfare with Israel.Elsewhere: "You eight hours? Me too. Russia's a big country and you're a big country. Takes him eight hours to fly home. Not Coke, diet Coke. ... Russia's big and so is China. Yo Blair, what're you doing? Are you leaving," Bush said.
"See the irony is that what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this (expletive) and it's over," Bush told Blair in a discussion before the Group of Eight leaders began their lunch.
(And what's with all the open mikes in Russia? Is it a plan to embarass the US by publicizing what US leaders are really like?) (Transcript HERE.) (Video Youtube, Quicktime.)
I couldn't help but break into peels of laughter at the look on his face in that first picture. Priceless.
By misneach, at 11:19 PM
Well when you place a puppet on the throne, with other people standing behind him pulling the strings, you'd do well to make sure that the puppet isn't capable of making random outbursts of his own volition. Look at Pinnochio...he was always in trouble.
By Anonymous, at 1:10 AM
I see nothing humorous in running about in a golf cart whilst the middle east melts down. It smacks of fiddling whilst rome burns..
By Unknown, at 1:15 AM
Even though I don't agree with Condi—she is an intellectual. Intellectuals and good 'ol folksy boys always get along great...don't they? (/sarcasm)
By zen, at 7:18 AM
He has no sense of reality. He's a moron with his finger on the biggest trigger in the world.
By pissed off patricia, at 8:00 AM
Putin is having a feild day with his democracy comment pay backs.
The Russian press is laughing right along with him.
By Cartledge, at 9:49 AM
dusty, Bush also rode his bike for a few hours BEFORE he got in the golf cart.
By Reality-Based Educator, at 9:54 AM
Syria may have been in a position to smack down Hezbollah, if they still had troops in Lebanon. While Syria is no friend of an idependent Lebanon, they also didn't trust Hezbollah.
Like removing a muzzle from a mad dog, our publicly antagonistic foreign policy toward Syria has actually made things worse.
By -epm, at 9:57 AM
Wow, this one resonated.
I think this must've captured the collective "wrong track" sense that Bush is in over his head.
By mikevotes, at 10:27 AM
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